Even After Death

Chapter: 1242

She didn’t use medicine, she had a big pair.The big eyes are clear.

The hair accessories on her head are crystals and feathers, and she is dressed up like an exotic princess.

Innocent eyes didn’t know what was going on. She didn’t cry, she just stared at everything around her curiously, like a curious fawn breaking into a wolf’s den.

Her pink red lips opened slightly, and Li Tingchen saw her mouth shape from the big screen.

“Mom, Uncle Lin.”

Li Tingchen had already touched the weapon with his fingers, and at this moment he couldn’t wait to pull it out and kill Qiao Yi immediately.

The others are already boiling, this little girl is so beautiful.

There are even many people who are already planning to update their collections, and more perverted people are thinking of buying them back and raising them for a few more years, which is a good object.

Others are looking forward to this little girl being so beautiful, so is their mother more beautiful?

Su Qingyu’s state was not as free as Wang Shu’s. She leaned against the railing of the cage, her breath dying.

Li Tingchen guessed that the bastard must have given Su Qingyu medicine, and he didn’t know if it would affect her body.

Qiao Yi was still passionately introducing, “It is no exaggeration to say that this one is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, no one!”She is as beautiful as an elf in a different time and space, so our gameplay has changed tonight. Before the auction, do you want to take off her mask?”

Everyone was talking about it in a rush, and even verbally scolded Qiao Yi for making a fool of herself.

Scolding and scolding, her method did arouse everyone’s interest in Su Qingyu.

After all, the child’s appearance is here, and the extent to which she will be beautiful is beyond everyone’s imagination.

Su Qingyu is tall and has lost a lot of weight because of illness. Even if he has raised some during this period, he is still thinner than before.

Her complexion is fair, her clavicle and other places are also smeared with shiny loose powder, and her thin body is bound by silver chains, like an imprisoned angel, which creates a huge contrast and is even more lovable.

Her head was replaced with a beautiful wig by the makeup artist, and her curly silver hair spread down her body.

Even the ears were deliberately disguised as elf ears, and the whole person was mysterious and refined.

How can such a person not be exciting?

She created a new rule, with a disclosure fee and a reserve price of 10 million.

Ten million is just to take off her mask.

The people present had already scolded, saying that she was not kind to profiteers.

But when Qiao Yi said that the person who took off the mask for her could get a kiss from her first, everyone was eager to try.

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