Even After Death

Chapter: 1244

Did Lin Yong come?

There were about a few hundred people present, and each of them was wearing a mask. She couldn’t see clearly under the influence of the efficacy of the medicine, and it was difficult to focus her gaze.

“Mommy.”The daughter whispered her name.

Su Qingyu laboriously comforted: “Don’t be afraid, baby, mom is here.”

Li Tingchen saw her mouth shape on the big screen, as if someone had stabbed him in the heart.

He felt so distressed that he had to bear it before his people arrived.

Susu, baby, hold on for a while.

Because of excessive force, the palm of his hand was pierced by his nails and blood oozes out, and he didn’t know it at all.

At first, everyone was eager to try, but the number of people who increased the price later decreased.

Li Tingchen gave Xia Wei a look, and Xia Wei made a gesture.

A person in the field who had never known each other raised a card with a calm voice: “Twenty million.”

When he joined the war, only one person continued to bid.

Li Tingchen whispered a few words in Xia Wei’s ear, “Check this person.”


Soon the identity information of the other party was checked out, and Xia Wei lowered his voice and said, “It’s the second young master of the Huo family.”

The Huo family, in City A, also exists loudly.

If the Li family is in business on the face of it, then nine of the ten children of the Huo family are in politics.

The Li family’s base camp is abroad, and there are not many relatives in China. In addition, Li Tingchen has always been low-key. There are many children and grandchildren of the Huo family, and most of them are also low-key.

The two Huo Li families had an agreement invisibly, and each had nothing to do with it.

In the past few decades, it has been safe and sound. One is responsible for strength and the other is responsible for appearance. Each has its own division of labor, and the well water does not violate the river water.

Li Tingchen, a member of the Huo family, would never provoke him, and the Huo family would naturally avoid things related to him.

Li Tingchen had also heard of the reputation of the second Master of the Huo family.

Several uncles of the Huo family are characters who often appear in news broadcasts, and the elder Huo family is also very promising. Only this second son is suave, because the woman has made trouble several times, and every time he has not been exposed, he is suppressed by the Huo family. Down.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be here too.

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