Even After Death

Chapter: 1246

The originally frightened heart was slowly calmed down.

But she didn’t understand, how did Lin Yong take out 40 million yuan?

Although she gave Lin Yong a card, Lin Yong couldn’t use such a large amount. Where did he get 40 million?

“Uncover, uncover!”

The crowd began to cheer, and everyone wanted to see what a beauty worth 40 million kisses looked like.

When the man took off Su Qingyu’s mask a little bit, everyone held their breath at this moment, whether it was in vain or an unexpected joy.

Su Qingyu knew that he was the one who came to save him, so he cooperated very well and did not struggle.

The moment the mask detached from Su Qingyu’s face, those who still wanted to complain a few words closed their mouths.

Huo Jianguo was eating grapes, and the grape skins forgot to vomit and swallowed.

He opened his mouth wide and exclaimed, “Fuck!What a beautiful face, but why is it a bit familiar?”

The spotlight hit Su Qingyu’s face. She was already thin, and her facial features were even more delicate and deep. Especially with the blessing of makeup, her face was comparable to 3d modeling.

Especially the slender waist looks very slender, but the chest is not small, the legs are long, and the skin is snow-white.

Under such exquisite dress, it seems that the characters in the two-dimensional world have appeared in this real world.

Even Li Tingchen, who had always known that Su Qingyu was beautiful, almost forgot to breathe the moment he saw her.

Su Qingyu’s eyes were put on silver contact lenses, which made her look completely different from usual.

The exposed skin was faintly flashing with fine sequins, and Li Tingchen thought a lot in his mind.

For example, the mermaids stranded on the shore, the fairies who fell into the mortal world, and the elves who strayed into the human world are so beautiful that they are not like real people at all.

“Damn, I knew I would increase the price a long time ago.”Huo Jianguo was a little angry.

The person next to him hurriedly said, “Second master, this woman is beautiful, but she is not young. Don’t you see that her daughters are so old?What is a kiss? As long as you take her down, it’s not up to you how you want to play?”

Huo Jianguo touched his chin, “That’s right, take it back and put it in Fanghua Garden. Don’t let the old-fashioned people at home know.””

“Of course.”

“But do you think this face is a bit familiar, where do I seem to have seen it?””

“If the young master had seen such a beautiful beauty, would he forget it?””

“That’s right.”

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