Even After Death

Chapter: 1248

Businessmen also have a number in their hearts, and when they are tired of playing, they will change their hands to others. Such beauties are not yet in demand, and it will take long to earn the money back.

Therefore, the price soared again and again, and it was about to exceed 90 million.

“Second master, it doesn’t look good. Are these people crazy?”

“Crazy?I think everyone is very sober, and I want to earn benefits for others after I finish playing.”

“But if we call it that, it’s not good for us to increase the price, right?If you move too much money at once, if your uncle knows……”

“What can my brother do if he knows?Isn’t it just a matter of reprimanding me for a few words, just playing with a woman, how big can it be?”

After speaking, he directly raised his hand, “One hundred million.”

The real dispute began.

Xia Wei whispered: “Mr. Li, Second Master Huo has started to increase the price.”


Li Tingchen clasped the armrest tightly, “He can pay as much as he wants.”

If you compare financial resources, the entire Huo family is not an opponent of the Li family, let alone just the second young master of the Huo family.

Huo Jianguo also noticed that after his own price increase, the other party also began a new round of price increases.

Five million people piled up again and again, and basically not many people followed.

It became a confrontation between the two families again.

When it was added to 150 million, Huo Jianguo was a little bit out of breath.

“Damn, is he sick, just a woman, really want to play with me?””

“Second master, let’s forget it, where can we find so much cash?””

“Forget it, are you willing?I’d like to see which idiot who doesn’t have long eyes dares to follow me, add, and continue to add up!”

When he added to two hundred million, the other party’s voice never followed closely.

It seems that it’s not two hundred million, it’s just as simple as two hundred yuan.

This has already seen the highest high price in history, and as time goes by, Su Qingyu’s eyes become more and more confused when they are visible to the naked eye.

Li Tingchen really didn’t want her to suffer anymore.

He raised his hand for the first time in the audience, “300 million.”

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