Even After Death

Chapter: 1249


Everyone exploded.

Where did this come from? Big money, people are stupid and have a lot of money?

Is he crazy to buy a second-hand product that has given birth to a child for 300 million?

This was his first bid. Qiao Yiben was waiting to watch his good show after it was over, but he didn’t know that the punch came so quickly.

300 million, does he know what the concept is?

“This gentleman, there are severe penalties for misrepresenting prices on our ship.”She gritted her teeth to remind.

Li Tingchen lowered his head and wrote a check and put it on his fingertips, “This is 300 million.”

There is a bank on board, which is open 24 hours a day, and it can be redeemed immediately.

Once it is found that it is a fake check, this person will not be able to get off the boat, and no one will make fun of this kind of thing.

Unless he really has three hundred million!

Qiao Yi glanced at the audience, “Is there a higher price?””

Huo Jianguo originally wanted to raise a card, but was pressed down by the people around him, “Second master, think twice!We can’t get 300 million. There are dragons and crouching tigers here. Let’s give up. It’s just a woman. If you want, let’s think of other ways.”

“Ok.”Huo Jianguo was a little unwilling in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Strength is a man’s capital.

Li Tingchen still maintained his original posture, with his legs overlapping, one hand resting on his cheek, full of big brother aura.

Qiao Yi wanted to see his joke, but he didn’t expect it to become a joke.

“300 million once, 300 million twice, 300 million……Deal!”

Qiao Yi was unwilling to announce the result.

This man actually took out 300 million real goods!

Li Tingchen got up and looked at Qiao Yi, as if looking at a clown, “Now I can take people away?””

Chen Feng and the others will arrive in half an hour, even if Qiao Yi plays any tricks, it will be too late.

At least at this moment, Qiao Yi couldn’t do anything. With so many people watching, if she regretted it, she would break the rules.

Although they are doing things that are not visible, they also need to be disciplined.

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