Even After Death

Chapter: 125

Li Tingchen’s extremely thin eyes kept seeing through her heart, “What better way to torture you than this way?”You are right.”

Su Qingyu resisted the pain surging in his stomach, and asked angrily: “Li Tingchen, will you regret your indiscriminate practice and torture of me one day?””

“I only know that you laugh when you hurt me.”

Su Qingyu didn’t expect that this kind of relationship would become between the two of them.

At her request, Li Tingchen sent her back to the apartment, “Don’t you invite me up for a cup of coffee?””

At this point, it is obvious what he means, he wants to finish what has not been done in the car.

And she had no reason to refuse.

Qin Ou returned to his home in the past few days, and there was no one in the apartment.

When the door opened, Su Qingyu hadn’t taken care to turn on the lights. He rushed to the bathroom before he could even change his shoes, and vomited the contents of his stomach cleanly.

After vomiting, her head became clearer, and her stomach suddenly became more painful from the stimulation of spirits.

The pain made her sweat coldly for a while, and Su Qingyu curled up on the ground like a shrimp in pain.

This kind of pain spread from the stomach to the internal organs and even every inch of the whole body, even between breathing and vomiting, there was overwhelming pain.

Su Qingyu’s head was groggy with pain. Is she dying?

She bit her lip tightly, not daring to reveal the slightest sound.

Li Tingchen waited outside for a while and didn’t notice her coming out, so he knocked on the bathroom door, “Su Qingyu, what’s the matter with you?””

“I……It’s okay.”She reluctantly said, “You wait a moment, I will come out after cleaning up.””

After all, Li Tingchen only had a physical examination a few days ago, and Li Tingchen would not think about her terminal illness.

He only regarded Su Qingyu as embarrassed, so he stepped away.

I didn’t know that Su Qingyu was curled up in a ball clutching his stomach at the moment, so painful that he was out of breath, and it was a luxury to even move.

Su Qingyu regretted it extremely, she was still too reckless, these two glasses of wine almost cost her half her life.

Li Tingchen looked at this not-so-big apartment, with Su Qiuyu’s shadow everywhere.

Seeing the baby crib placed in the room, which was the only thing she took away from the wedding room, Li Tingchen was in a complicated mood.

From the moment Su Qingyu jumped off the building, he did not hesitate to follow him out, he understood one thing.

No matter how much he hates her, he can’t give up his love for her, when the two complex feelings of love and hate are intertwined.

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