Even After Death

Chapter: 1259

Dozens of helicopters are hovering over the huge sea area at the same time!!

This was something that had never happened before. Qiao Yi was flustered and her hands and feet were cold.

“Where, where did the helicopter come from?”

“It’s not for us, is it?”

With a “bang”, the door of their room was kicked open.

It was Xia Wei who kicked the door.

Where is the honesty in front of Su Qingyu and Wang Shu?

Even the mask on his face was replaced with a ghost totem, facing the sea breeze valiantly.

“Bingo answered correctly, it’s for you.”

Qiao Yi said angrily: “Who are you, do you know where this is?Dare to be presumptuous on the boat?”

While speaking, Qiao Yi had already sounded the siren, and all the thugs rushed out with weapons as soon as they heard it.

Qiao Yi hadn’t realized the seriousness yet, “Do you know the consequences of the last presumptuous person on the boat?”Chopped and fed the fish.”

At this moment, the people on the helicopter descended methodically along the rope ladder to the decks everywhere. Everyone was wearing body armor, explosion-proof helmets, armed with weapons, and heavy military boots stepped on the deck.

There is a full sense of oppression. Most of Qiao Yi’s thugs are desperadoes with blood on their hands. The desperate style of play can easily win against ordinary people.

In front of the regular mercenary group, there are not a few tricks at all.

All kinds of gunshots, screams, and fights on the ship were intertwined.

Qiao Yi still wanted to escape, Xia Wei had already blocked all the doors, and even the windows were full of people.

“Miss Qiao, please.”Xia Wei stood at the door.

“What do you want to do?Do you know whose territory this is?”

Xia Wei sneered, “It doesn’t matter, do it.”

Everyone is like a wolf entering a flock of sheep and starting their game.

Those who traded erotica were kicked out of the room directly, “All raise their hands and sweep the yellow!”Squatting in the corner with his head in his arms.”

The men and women didn’t know what was going on, so they had to do it, but they realized that they were at sea and there was absolutely no note coming.

Again, it seems that the person is not wearing a police uniform, but a mercenary camouflage uniform.

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