Even After Death

Chapter: 1263

It was a devastating night for the guests last night, and all the infrastructure on board was extensively destroyed.

The ATM was directly broken into pieces, and like the casino, all the cash was taken away.

Those that can’t be taken away will either be smashed or destroyed.

The rich businessmen were naked one by one, and the gamblers squatted in the corner with red eyes, not daring to toss at all.

After all, it’s great that they can survive at this time. Money is something outside of the body.

Qiao Yi was dragged high by Chen Ling, and seeing the chaotic scene below, her eyes were tearful and heartbreaking, crying: “No, don’t, stop!”

She never thought that because of her momentary desire, she finally caused such a catastrophe.

She has been used to acting as a blessing on the boat for so many years. When the boss is away, she thinks she is a god and acts willfully.

As everyone knows, this time it was kicked on the iron plate.

The boss’s hard work for so many years was ruined. She knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Chen Ling: “I beg you to stop. I was wrong. I really know I was wrong. Kill me. Chop me up and feed the fish. Don’t ruin the boat!”

By now she had guessed that the person she was messing with was a big brother, and she was not afraid of the forces behind her at all.

This is the law of nature. The strong make rules and decide life and death.

Chen Ling snorted softly: “Did you ever let others go when you held power?We tried to reconcile with you privately, did you give us a chance?”

“I……”Qiao Yi sat down on the ground and couldn’t say a complete word.

Chen Ling’s face under the mask was sneering: “You didn’t. There is only one thing in your heart, and that is revenge. Even innocent people and children are not let go. Do you know……”

Chen Ling sighed, “My boss, for the sake of you being a woman, it’s enough to give back to each other in the same way, but you……You have to force him, do you know what their mother and daughter mean to him?They–it’s his life!”

Qiao Yi shook her head frantically, “I don’t know, I really don’t know.”

“When you stand on a high place, holding your hand to say goodbye to life and death, have you ever thought that there are people outside the world and there are people outside the sky?Everything today, whether it is you or your boss, is to blame. Take a good look at how this ship was destroyed.”

Qiao Yi roared sadly: “No!”

“It doesn’t feel good to be choked by someone, does it?Don’t forget that you used to treat a mother and daughter like this not long ago. Did she beg for her child to be released just like you?”

Qiao Yi’s mind was full of Su Qingyu’s face. Yes, she begged for mercy, and Chu Chu looked at herself pitifully.

“How did you do it?Did you give them a chance?”

“You didn’t. You think they deserve all this because of their bad luck. They are just cannon fodder for your revenge. You have to use them to calm your anger.”

Chen Ling coldly made the final conclusion, “If you owe the debt, then you can pay it back by yourself. Feel the pain of this powerlessness and engrave it in your soul forever and ever. This is what you asked for.””

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