Even After Death

Chapter: 1267

“I’m back, I’m finally back!”

“Miss.”Xia Wei’s voice came, and Su Qingyu wiped away tears.

“Sorry, I’m a little gaffe, I…”…..I’m just so excited.”

No one can understand her mood. In just a few years, looking back, it was all vicissitudes of life.

“It’s okay.”

Su Qingyu waited for his emotions to ease before asking, “Where is Lin Yong?”What happened, why are we here?”

Xia Wei explained: “I just wanted to tell you about this. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you one by one.”

Su Qingyu nodded, “Okay, you can talk about it.”

“After the young lady’s accident, Brother Yong inquired about your news everywhere. Knowing that you were taken to that kind of place, Brother Yong quickly contacted Dr. Lin and asked him to borrow a lot of money.”

“Just in case, Dr. Lin asked a friend for help and spent a lot of money to get mercenaries to rescue us from the ship. We came back by helicopter. By the way, this house was also arranged by Dr. Lin. He said you lived there before.”

“Dr. Lin helped?”

Xia Wei’s words didn’t have any loopholes at first glance, but Su Qingyu was a little suspicious. This was more than 300 million, not 33 million.

What’s more, no one knows what price will be sold that day, so he must borrow more than three billion yuan.

Lin Yan’s family is not bad. After all, he is just a medical family. How can he just take out hundreds of millions of working capital casually?

Besides, he is just a friend, not his lover.

Does he still have a way to find mercenaries?

It’s not that Lin Yan can’t do it, it’s just that it’s unlikely to be something he can do.

But apart from Lin Yan, who else could help her?

It can’t be Li Tingchen……

As soon as he thought of this person, Su Qingyu shook his head. That person was clearly still in Africa, and it was impossible for him to come so soon.

Even if it was really him, he had already taken himself away, how could he let himself and his children be outside?

“Yes, you didn’t know how dangerous the situation was at the time. Brother Yong and I thought of many ways to raise money. Dr. Lin was also in a hurry. If it weren’t for him to raise money everywhere, it would be impossible to successfully save you.”

Su Qingyu was shocked: “Such a large sum of money……”

“So Dr. Lin is really reliable. He didn’t drop the chain at the critical time. In your situation at the time, if you were photographed by someone else, we would have no way to save you.””

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