Even After Death

Chapter: 1272

“Most of the people on board are dignified people. Do these people dare to come out to us for compensation?”

“Those who want compensation are all from the underworld.”

“These people’s money is originally from the wrong source, and even if they lose it, they won’t be satisfied. Why waste energy to make them happy?Anyway, there will be no chance of the next transaction.”

The assistant closed the folder, “Boss, we have suffered a serious loss this time, what are you going to do?””

There was a picture of a woman in front of the man, “Things started because of her, so let her end it.””


Su Qingyu was wearing a thick down jacket and walking on the commercial street with her child in her arms.

City A, as always, winter comes early, and it snows for one-half of the winter.

The snowflakes flying all over the sky are beautiful and romantic. Wang Shu is wrapped in a thick scarf, wearing a small hat, and stretched out his little hand to follow the snowflakes.

“Mommy, snow, beautiful.”

Su Qingyu stared at her tenderly. Behind them were thousands of lights, and the child’s pure smiling face reflected the flying snowflakes. Everything was so beautiful.

The thought of children in the past few years has been a knot in her heart.

Fortunately, the child finally returned to her side, and her life began to have hope and hope, and it was no longer so dark.

There was the song “merrychristmas” on the corner of the street, and Su Qingyu felt in his heart that time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, it will be another year, and it will be Christmas in a few days.

She made an appointment for banking in advance, but fortunately, after she died in suspended animation, Li Tingchen did not report to her to close the account. All the funds were divided into a lot, and even a high amount of interest was generated in these years.

In particular, her previous financial management had also doubled several times. Su Qingyu looked at her balance and it was not bad for her to lie flat in this life.

She is ready. Once the large-scale transfer business is processed tomorrow, it is very likely that Li Tingchen will know, maybe she can’t even go out at the door of the bank.

To this day, she can’t control so much, and she can’t let Lin Yan bear such a large sum of money in vain.

She made an appointment with Qin Ou in advance, and how much her suspended animation had affected Qin Ou at the beginning.

“Mommy.”The child took her hand.

Su Qingyu looked at her tenderly, “Good baby, we will see Aunt Qin soon. She is my mother’s best friend. You must remember to call her aunt in a while.””


But she didn’t know that on the roof of the 108 building, Qin Ou looked at the snowflakes flying all over the sky, followed by a group of people behind her.

“Assistant Qin, calm down. Mr. Gu will return home soon. If you have any demands, you can tell Mr. Gu, and Mr. Gu will definitely satisfy you.”

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