Even After Death

Chapter: 1282

“Send me the card number, and I will settle the wages for this period of time to you.”

Li Tingchen frowned calmly, “So the lady doesn’t need me anymore?””

“He will know as soon as the money on the book moves. I can’t escape anywhere at that time, and he won’t let you go. Lin Yong, let’s go. The farther you go, the better.”

Only then did Li Tingchen know that his influence on Su Qingyu was already ingrained, and he followed her like a devil, leaving a psychological shadow on her.

“He is still in Africa. Besides, you have been in suspended animation for so long. It won’t be so easy to be discovered. Miss, you are not safe now. You need my protection. Don’t worry, I am in the dark and will never appear in your world to block you.”

Looking at his humble eyes, Su Qingyu sighed deeply.

“My mind has been decided.”

She didn’t want to drag Lin Yong into this muddy water.


“Find a safe place to live your life and marry a good girl who is diligent. If I have a future, I will look forward to seeing you again.”

Su Qingyu smiled softly at him, “Lin Yong, you are a good person, we will stop here, and I will go by myself for the future.””

After speaking, she turned and left, never looking back.

“Miss, have you ever liked me?Even a little bit?”He asked behind him.

Su Qingyu paused slightly, hanging his head and looking at the footprints under his feet.

“No, never, I’m sorry, I won’t fall in love with anyone else in my life.”

Li Tingchen watched her walk into the heavy snow, like a thorn in her heart, it hurts when she touches it.

She once again blocked his chance to get close, cutting off all possibilities for the two of them.

Su Qingyu walked very simply, she only hoped that Lin Yong could forget her and start his life again.

As for herself, even if the thorns are everywhere in front of her, she can only go on without hesitation.

Su Qingyu went back to the room. The child was already asleep. She gently wiped the child clean with a hot towel.

When he left, he glanced down and saw that the person standing under the street lamp was Lin Yong.

Standing there like a fool looking in his direction, why is he suffering?

Since ancient times, acacia hurts people, but you can’t hurt God if you ask for it.

Su Qingyu just glanced at it and closed the curtains. Since he couldn’t give anything, don’t give the other party any chance.

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