Even After Death

Chapter: 1284

Su Qingyu had some ups and downs in his heart, “Well, it sounds good, how have you been these years?””

“It’s very good. Uncle Li knows that I like to learn to draw. He specially hired a famous teacher for me and arranged a school for me. Now I have kept up with the progress of normal people. I also got a guaranteed place and got a full scholarship. Oh.”

Su Qingyu had to raise his hand to touch the boy’s hair, “I knew you were amazing, where’s Xiaojia?””

“He, he was born not to write and draw, he only likes to play.Fighting and killing, Uncle Li was sent to the armed police school at the beginning. He had been on a mission since the year before last. I couldn’t get in touch when he was on a mission. I was always worried about him, but he liked it, and I had to support it.”

Li Qingbei scratched his head, “By the way, Uncle Li hasn’t come to see me for a long time. How is he doing lately?””

The simple young man has no idea what has happened in the past few years.

Su Qingyu said softly: “He has been on business trips in other countries. Did he often come to see you in the past?”

“In the first year or two, he would personally care about my homework and look at my paintings. Later, he was probably busy in the past two years. The last time I saw him was more than half a year ago. He lost a lot of weight.”

Li Qingbei scratched his head, “Well, Sister Su, I don’t know how you feel about Uncle Li. At first I thought he was the worst person in the world, but later I felt that although he spoke little, he was a delicate and responsible man. Good man.”

Su Qingyu didn’t really want to mention Li Tingchen’s topic, so he said his intention, “Has Qi Xiao contacted you?””

“Brother Xiao, he is always elusive every day. I came here a few times when I first went to school, and then there was no one.”

“Can you contact him?”

Li Qingbei shook his head, “I only have his previous contact information, but that number has been cancelled a long time ago. I don’t know what he is up to in the past two years, so I won’t come to see me anymore.””

Su Qingyu was a little disappointed, and Li Qingbei worried: “Sister Su, is something wrong?”

“I have something very important to look for Qi Xiao.”

“Well, why don’t we go back to the island and have a look?In the past few years, Uncle Li has built our island very beautifully, and a special route has been opened. New roads have been built on the island, and the fishermen have fished more regularly. In short, it’s a big change. Just follow me back and have a look.”

“It’s okay if you don’t go to school?”Su Qingyu looked at the people holding textbooks in the distance.

“I have already delivered it in advance. It doesn’t matter if you go to class or not. Let’s go. I’ll take you back.”

Li Qingbei used to be a big boy with few words, but now there is a world of difference. His personality has improved a lot. He is no longer gloomy, but full of sunshine.

When Su Qingyu took the child to the island, he was really surprised by the scene on the island.

In the past, not only was the transportation on the island not convenient, but even the electricity could not be self-sufficient. It also maintained the habit of relying on the mountains to eat the mountains and the sea to eat the sea.

Nowadays, the island is accessible in all directions, every house is connected to the internet, and the roads are all clean asphalt roads. Even the old houses of some fishermen have been newly repaired. The style is all the blue and white tones of Santorini, Greece.

It looks like a hideaway, both romantic and beautiful.

“Uncle Li is really interested. Now the people on the island want to keep fishing as they are. Uncle Li, who doesn’t want to, has also provided them with various jobs. Everyone feels that life is much better.”

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