Even After Death

Chapter: 1291

There are only seven floors in total, one staircase and one household, and the living room and bedroom on the roof are all lit, indicating that Gu Yanzhi’s house belongs to someone.

Looking at the cleaning of the snow sweeping in the distance, Su Qingyu drew ten pieces of cash out.

“Auntie, do me a favor.”

Under the temptation of money, the cleaner went upstairs quickly.

Su Qingyu hid in the stairwell and watched her aunt ring the doorbell with kindness.

The door opened.

Gu Yanzhi, who was wearing pajamas, was still as personable as when he met before.

“Mr. Gu, the owner just reported that her child was lost because the child was too young to know if he had gone to the wrong unit building. Has Mr. Gu ever seen such a tall boy go to the wrong door?”

“No, do you need my help to call the police?”

Cleaning shook his head, “No, we watched the surveillance, the child should still be in this community, then we won’t bother you to rest, let’s look elsewhere.””

The door closed.

Gu Yanzhi pushed the lens on the bridge of his nose with his fingers, and there was a touch of inquiry in his eyes.

There are only six buildings in the southern District. No one lives on the roof of Unit 1, 2 and 3. There are still two left. One is Dink and the other is a star. He shoots abroad all year round and only comes to live in summer.

So, where did the kid come from?

Besides, the public areas on the first floor are monitored. Did the child come up to check the monitoring? Do you need to go to someone else’s house to confirm?

This thing is weird.

Bao Jie and Su Qingyu met in the corner, “Miss, I saw that in addition to Mr. Gu, there is a woman in his living room, but she looks sickly and her face is ugly.”

Su Qingyu took out Qin Ou’s picture, “Is it her?””

“Yes, it’s this lady.”

“Auntie, thanks.”Su Qingyu gave her another few hundred yuan.

Sure enough, Qin Ou is really here.

But Qin Ou’s phone can’t be contacted. What method does she have to use to see Qin Ou?

She lowered the brim of her hat and left.

When his body collided with a woman, Su Qingyu was afraid that others would notice him, so he hurriedly left without raising his head and whispering sorry.

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