Even After Death

Chapter: 1301

“There is only one bed.”

“I’m on the vigil, you sleep with the child, the conditions are very simple, you insist.”

Nevertheless, Qi Xiao was very careful to boil a bucket of water so that Su Qingyu could simply clean it before entering the bed.

Su Qingyu was holding the child drowsily, and Qi Xiao sat by the door, leaning his back on the wooden board, closing his eyes to rest.

Su Qingyu was very upset.

As if sensing her gaze, Qi Xiao said lightly: “You don’t have to care about me. I have long been used to this way of life. It is already a good condition to have a wooden house to avoid the wind and snow. You can go to bed first, and we will discuss it in the long run tomorrow.”

Su Qingyu was a little tired after tossing for so long. There was only one candle in the room, which exuded a soft shimmer.

She looked at the child’s face carefully, obviously a boy but very much like herself, especially the child’s left face has a shallow pear shape, which is very sweet and cute to laugh at.

If you change him into women’s clothing, he will definitely be regarded as a girl.

Su Qingyu stroked the child’s back, and his heart finally felt complete.

After looking for it for so long, the child who has been studying for so long is in his arms.

Thinking about the painful days and nights in the past, I finally didn’t boil it in vain.

She must protect her two children well so that they will no longer suffer from the loss of their mother.

Su Qingyu gently kissed the child’s forehead, “Go to sleep obediently, mom will always love you.””

The night passed quickly, and the room was very cold, but a quilt could not keep warm.

Su Qingyu thought she would not be able to sleep, but the strange thing was that she felt so relieved holding the child that she fell asleep quickly.

This scene is tightly attached to her arms like a small heater, providing her with a steady stream of warmth.

Su Qingyu had a dream in which she was running freely on a prairie with her two children in her arms.

Li Tingchen stood at the end of the road and stretched out his hand towards them, “Susu……”

Su Qingyu opened his eyes abruptly, it was already dawn outside, and Qi Xiao had not been in the room for a long time.

The window without curtains can see the outside at a glance. The heavy snow has been falling all night, and the place where you can see it is all white.

Su Qingyu quietly left the scene and got out of bed, opened the door, and a cold air rushed in.

She had seen a lot of snow scenes, but she was also shocked by the scene in front of her.

So beautiful!

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