Even After Death

Chapter: 1308

“Gull, what happened to you?”Su Qingyu’s heart lifted up at once.

“Things are very complicated, let’s talk about it when we meet.”


Qin Ou hurriedly asked, “What’s the matter?Is it inconvenient over there?I am very weak now and need someone to help me……”

Su Qingyu heard Qin Ou’s pitiful voice, and she knew Qin Ou’s family better than anyone else.

There are no relatives here, and there are very few friends. Just after giving birth, my body was at its weakest.

Thinking about the scene where Qin Ou took care of herself in the past, Su Qingyu quickly gave her an answer after being entangled in her heart.

“Where are you?I came to you.”

Qin Ou should have escaped from Gu Yanzhi’s house and sent a new location to Su Qingyu. Su Qingyu looked at the off-road car that was still parked outside. Although it was a bit dilapidated, it should still be able to drive.

Leaving a letter and contact information for Qi Xiao, Su Qingyu set off with Qi Jing.

She wanted to hold an umbrella for others only after it rained.

Seeing Qin Ou again, without the blessing of makeup, his face was a lot thinner than before, and there was no blood.

“Xiao Yu, you are finally here.”

Su Qingyu looked at her big tears rolling out, and touched her face distressed, “Don’t cry, I’m here.””

Qin Ou hugged her and cried for a long time. Compared to the last time she was forbearant everywhere, this time it was an outbreak of true affection.

Holding Su Qingyu, he complained about Gu Yanzhi for an hour. If Su Qingyu hadn’t covered her mouth, Qin Ou would not even have told Gu Yanzhi how long she was tossing her on the bed.

Looking at the unexplained scene on the side, Qin Ou quickly shut up.

“Sorry, sorry, this is a leak.”

“Look, you still have such a character, just a little bit like a artillery battle, are you better now?Su Qingyu smiled and handed her a glass of water.

“It’s much better to say it.”

Su Qingyu hugged Dianjing on her lap, peeled a grape and fed Dianjing. She was already handy with the child.

“Then why did you resist not saying it on the day you met, but you want to say it today?””

She pretended to ask inadvertently, Qin Ou had already made up the reason.

“You just returned to China, and you didn’t know what your situation was, for fear that I would cause you trouble.”

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