Even After Death

Chapter: 1309

Su Qingyu peeled a few more, until Di Jing said he didn’t want to eat it anymore, then he let go of Di Jing and patted him on the back, “Let’s go play.””

Both children are very worry-free when they are brought up, and they never let her worry about it.

Looking at the children playing obediently on the side, Su Qingyu said lightly: “You are not afraid of causing me trouble, are you afraid of me leaving?”

“Xiao Yu, you……”

“Gou, did Li Tingchen come to you?”It’s not a doubt, but an affirmation.

Qin Ou still wanted to lie, Su Qingyu directly pierced her words: “Every time you lie to me, you will subconsciously look away, for fear of being seen through by me.”

Qin Ou simply covered his face with a quilt, “You are worthy of being husband and wife, and you have guessed each other thoroughly!”Then I still make up a ghost?Since you all know that it was at his behest, why did you come here?”

Su Qingyu tore off the quilt on her face and said word by word: “Because you are my best friend, I am not afraid that you will lie to me, but I am afraid that you will be in danger.”

Qin Ou’s tears that had just stopped smudged out again, “Qingyu, you……I really cried to death, I didn’t say anything, I hugged one.”

Su Qingyu patted her gently on the back, “How could I not know? You didn’t say anything when you met for the first time because you didn’t want me to worry, and today you helped him get me back for my safety. Did I guess wrong?”

“Then you fool, you guessed it a long time ago, what are you doing back?”

Su Qingyu moved her body away. She was obviously younger than Qin Ou, but she had experienced too many things and her thoughts were much more mature than Qin Ou. She wiped Qin Ou’s tears like a big sister.

“Because I want to save you too, this is the only chance to save you.”

From Li Tingchen’s mouth, she already knew what Su Qingyu had done a few days ago, but she didn’t expect Su Qingyu to be unable to protect herself and still think about herself.

“I couldn’t contact you before, tell me what do you think?”

Qin Ou blushed again when he mentioned Gu Yanzhi, “It’s all my fault. I thought I found true love, but in the end it became a plaything in the hands of others.””

Su Qingyu sighed, “He may not dislike you, but this liking is not as important as his status and future. People of their status want the right wife, and it doesn’t matter if they have love or not.””

“Yes, at the beginning, he also clearly told me that he married his wife only to deal with his family. He would always maintain such a relationship with me. He could give me anything except his wife’s position. No matter how much Qin Ou likes money, he doesn’t have to be a junior in someone else’s marriage, right?”

“What’s the matter with that kid?”

Qin Ou’s eyes flushed again, “Originally, I didn’t plan to destroy his marriage. I submitted my resignation a long time ago. I have made a lot of money in sales over the years and before. In addition, he is generous. I don’t like to spend money indiscriminately. I have accumulated a lot of money that can be used to lie flat for the rest of my life. I am ready to be a single mother. Who knows that his marriage partner got in the way and made me lose my child.”

Qin Ou choked, “I didn’t have a child, and I almost died of heavy bleeding. The doctor said that my chance of getting pregnant in the future is very small, maybe I will never have another child in my life.””

“It’s okay, Gull, the body can be raised, and pregnancy is a matter of fate. Fate will naturally have it when it comes. If you are hungry, I will make you something to eat.”

Seeing that she was so sad, Su Qingyu had to temporarily interrupt the topic and cook a few dishes for Qin Ou that she liked to eat.

I think when Su Qingyu taught herself to cook, Qin Ou acted as her taster.

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