Even After Death

Chapter: 1310

You must know that what Su Qingyu cooked earlier was dark food, but Qin Ou suffered a lot.

Now eating a delicious meal, the two of them also sighed a little.

“I still remember the sauerkraut fish you made in the first place. The scales were not scraped and the internal organs were not removed. The fish was still swimming in the sauerkraut when you got off the pot.”

Looking back on the black history, Su Qingyu also showed a smile, “Yes, time flies so fast, and now I can make a good dish. Time has changed not only our age, but also our experience.””

“Xiaoyu.Qin Ou lowered his head and was silent.

“It doesn’t matter, no matter how painful the night will pass, the sun will still rise. When we get through those days and nights, we will always usher in a brand new life.”

“Xiao Yu, I think you have changed.”

“In the past, I felt that life was as difficult as you, but later I found that a more difficult life was behind. We had no choice but to gritted our teeth and insist. Compared to those who lost their lives, we are now very lucky. What are your plans for the future?”

Qin Ou put down his chopsticks, “I don’t want to be an accessory to him, let alone be invisible for the rest of my life, and become a junior who shouts and kills in other people’s mouths.”

She grabbed Su Qingyu’s hand, “Xiao Yu, do you have a way to take me away?””

“Gull, that’s what I’m waiting for.”

Li Tingchen didn’t expect Su Qingyu to receive a call from Qin Ou as soon as he came back.

“Xiao Yu wants to see you.”

Li Tingchen sighed: “I knew I couldn’t hide it from her.”

In the snowy evening, Su Qingyu saw Li Tingchen again.

Since her fake death, she has been seeing him in various news, only to find out when she got closer that he was already so thin.

He leaned against the side of the car in a black woolen coat, but in a minute, snow accumulated on his head.

Su Qingyu walked towards him step by step, “Why don’t you wait for me in the car?””

Li Tingchen had no bottom in her heart, and she didn’t know how much she had guessed.

Seeing that her state and mood were relatively stable, he licked his dry lips and replied flattered: “I want to see you early.”

Obviously he wanted to come over and hold an umbrella for her to block the snow, but he was afraid of being disgusted by Su Qingyu, so he could only stand still at a loss.

“Get in the car and let’s talk.”


Li Tingchen hurriedly opened the door of the co-pilot for her.

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