Even After Death

Chapter: 1321

She must have drawn more than a milliliter of blood, so she had soft hands and soft feet.

When Michelle came, she was too hasty and did not notice Su Qingyu’s existence. Until now, when Su Qingyu was looking at her, she was also looking at Su Qingyu.

She recognized who Su Qingyu was at a glance.

The one who has always been taken to heart by Li Tingchen.

Through the operation just now, Michelle also knew what was going on, and with Li Tingchen’s ability, he would find a bunker under any circumstances.

Even if he was injured, he would definitely not let himself be injured so badly.

Almost the entire country has become a hard-hit area, and there is only one answer.

He is blocking for others.

As for the woman under his protection, who would it be?You can guess it without even thinking about it.

Michelle was already very weak at this time, and she still walked towards Su Qingyu with a firm step.

Before Su Qingyu could speak, she raised her hand and slapped Su Qingyu’s face.

Chen Feng didn’t expect her to come out like this, so he hurriedly stepped forward to block Mi Xue, “Sister Mi, what are you doing?””

Michelle didn’t pay attention to Chen Feng at all, but stared at Su Qingyu fiercely with a pair of eyes.

Like a hungry wolf, he couldn’t wait to tear Su Qingyu dry and swallow it into his abdomen.

“What kind of thing are you, and you are worthy of him to treat you with your life?”It’s not as good as a cheap life like you to die 10,000 times!”

Su Qingyu was still immersed in the tension of whether Li Tingchen would be okay. The woman who had never met raised her hand and slapped her, directly knocking Su Qingyu unconscious.

The woman’s mouth was saying extremely unpleasant, even vicious words.

Su Qingyu licked his lips and looked at him coldly, “It has nothing to do with you who I am, and it has nothing to do with you what he is willing to do.”

Li Tingchen’s love was her greatest confidence, and Michelle lost a big loss on this point.

On the contrary, Chen Feng hurriedly said: “Sister Mi, the situation was critical at the time. Besides, the boss volunteered. Don’t blame your wife, she was also injured.”

“Madam?”Michelle sneered, “I didn’t get divorced a long time ago.””

Chen Feng’s face was a little embarrassed. Everyone knew that she had a crush on Li Tingchen. Anyway, she had always been very convergent, and everyone pretended not to know.

How did she know that she saw that Li Tingchen was injured today, so she came up directly and opened up, directly scolding Su Qingyu.

“Sister Mi, in the boss’s heart, Miss Su will always be his only wife, otherwise he won’t sacrifice his life to protect each other tonight, that……You see, you have drawn a lot of blood and your body is very weak. You should go back and take a break first.”

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