Even After Death

Chapter: 1324

The first person he saw was not Michelle, but Su Qingyu.

Ignoring Michelle’s greeting, he shouted weakly: “Susu.”

Su Qingyu walked over slowly, Li Tingchen stretched out a hand, and Su Qingyu held him back.

His palms are no longer dry, and there is still no dry sweat.

“I promised you that I will get out of the operating room alive.”

After saying these words, he fainted, but the hand holding Su Qingyu did not let go.

This move was like a slap on Michelle’s face.

His preference is Su Qingyu’s best confidence.

Chen Feng hurriedly asked, “Uncle Yuan, how is my eldest?””

Dr. Yuan snorted coldly: “He is considered to be very fateful. A piece of glass was almost inserted into his heart. Fortunately, it was offset by a few centimeters. Fortunately, he was dressed thickly in winter. If it were summer, he would have died today.”

“So the boss is okay?”

“He made it purely by himself. He is not allowed to use anesthetics. He has to carry it on his own. Remember to change his medicine recently. Don’t get infected, otherwise it will be very troublesome.”

“Thank you Uncle Yuan.”

Dr. Yuan waved his hand: “First observe in the ward for two days, let’s go.”

It was about to be determined that Li Tingchen’s life was not in danger, and Dr. Yuan was a little relieved, the expression on his face was not as indifferent as it was at first.

He insisted on letting Su Qingyu go, and Su Qingyu had to push him all the way to the ward with the bed.

Doctor Yuan glanced at Michelle: “Girl, what are you getting involved in about the husband and wife?”It’s not that you don’t know his temperament, and you won’t let go if you look for one thing.”

Michelle stomped her feet: “Who said it was a matter of husband and wife?They divorced a long time ago!Since he is now single, why can’t I pursue it?Or does Uncle Yuan think I will lose to that vase?Except for having a face, where can she compare to me in terms of family and position?”

Doctor Yuan sighed, “I can’t control the affairs of your young people. I just advise you to stop in moderation. Don’t hit the south wall and don’t know how to look back.””

Michelle didn’t bother to bother so much and ran away, chasing all the way to the ward.

When Li Tingchen settled down, she volunteered: “I’ll just come to the vigil, you can go.”

Although Su Qingyu never thought about reuniting with Li Tingchen, Li Tingchen was injured for her after all, and it was impossible for her to leave Li Tingchen like this.

She moved her hand tightly held by Li Tingchen, “I want to go, but he won’t let me, but if Miss Mi wants to stay, I have no problem.””

As she said, she asked Chen Feng to bring herself a stool and sit down.

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