Even After Death

Chapter: 1333

Su Qingyu was still a little confused, “Then what does he have to do with Bai Yuanyuan and Qingchen?””

Li Tingchen said directly: “He is the biological father of the child.”

Su Qingyu heard it all in a daze, “You can make it clear, I don’t understand.”

“Let’s just say that, Qi Lin has trained with me since he was a child. Because he looks similar to me, he is one of my stand-ins. We lived and died together, but he shouldn’t have liked Bai Yuanyuan. After Bai Yuanyuan became pregnant, in a mission, he blocked a fatal blow for me. Qi Lin couldn’t rest assured of Bai Yuanyuan before he died. Let me take good care of them.”

“With gratitude to Qi Lin, I responded to Bai Yuanyuan’s request. At that time, I happened to misunderstand the relationship between the Su family and my sister. The two things are intertwined. I retaliated against the Su family while taking care of her during pregnancy. It will make you feel that I am empathetic and affectionate. I did not explain in the face of your questioning.”

“Bai Yuanyuan said that she didn’t want the child in her womb to grow up in a single-parent family, so she begged me if I could give her a home.”

Su Qingyu’s heart was sour, “So you gave it?”

“She used Qi Lin’s life as a condition of exchange. I can’t help but give it. I can only divorce you, but then I learned that her appetite is not just that. The hospital, the dress, Lu Haiju, all the things prepared for you, she has to grab. .”

Su Qingyu recalled that time, and the pain in his heart became more and more obvious.

“So you knew when she pushed me into the sea?”

“I have understood the personalities of the two of you from the beginning, how could I not guess what she did? When you fell into the sea at the same time, I instinctively wanted to save you, but when I thought of Qi Lin’s dead face and his entrustment, Chen Feng and Chen Ling also jumped down at that time, so I swam to her.”

Su Qingyu’s eyes were a little moist, and she fought back tears and asked, “What’s the matter with that child?””

“She had a caesarean section, and you gave birth smoothly. One of her children died when she was taken out. Although Qingchen was a premature baby, she was in a very good mental state. You can’t take anesthetics. It’s heartbreaking to scream in the delivery room. Do you think I don’t feel bad?I stayed outside the delivery room all the time, and then you fainted because of excessive blood loss, and the child was exchanged by me.”

Su Qingyu’s tears flowed down her cheeks: “Why, why do you want to exchange my child for her!To separate our mother and son.”

If it weren’t for Li Tingchen lying down now, she would have to grab his collar and slap him severely.

“There are several reasons. One is that Bai Yuanyuan values these two children very much. If the child has an accident that causes her to have an accident, I can’t explain it to Qi Lin. Second, it has something to do with Old Man Bai. Although the Bai family has gradually withdrawn from the stage, old man Bai still has some power in his hands. It is related to voting for me in the future. If he thinks that the child is mine, he will also do his best; The last reason was that I was almost in a state of madness at that time. I felt that my sister had lost her child and wanted you to suffer this kind of pain. Under the influence of various reasons, I did it. This decision.”

Su Qingyu didn’t hold back this time, and slapped Li Tingchen on the face.

“You bastard, how can you do this to me?You know how long I have been sad because of that child, and I even want to hurt the child extremely!”

No wonder she liked Qingchen as soon as she saw it, no wonder Bai Yuanyuan couldn’t get him to call her mother no matter what method she used.

Su Qingyu could no longer control the complicated emotions in his heart, and kept crying.

Her child is not dead!All three of her children are still alive!

These were tears of joy, Su Qingyu was happy and excited, she didn’t know what to say, her mind was full of Li Qingchen’s lovely face.

She was so stupid, she knew she should have spent more time with the child in the first place.

“Susu, don’t cry, I know that all mistakes are my fault.”

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