Even After Death

Chapter: 1335

“Who is it?”

Li Tingchen suddenly hooked his fingers, Su Qing thought he was going to tell himself the truth, bent over and squatted beside his bed, and moved his ears a little bit.

Li Tingchen raised her hand and touched her head, “Susu, the more you know about some things, the more troublesome they will be. In the past, I didn’t tell you that I didn’t treat you as an outsider. I just want you to live happily and simply. Don’t interfere with your normal life because of me. Once we step in with one foot, we will never be able to go out again, that’s all.”

Su Qingyu’s wig was all messed up by him, and Li Tingchen chuckled lightly: “It’s still the same hair as before, soft and fragrant.”

“Annoying.Su Qingyu snorted and walked behind him to finish the ointment, and then wrapped him up.

She had a feeling that Li Tingchen was planning an important thing, so he was in a hurry to let her leave.

The two have divorced, and naturally there is no need for him to report to himself what he wants to do.

Although the child survived, the harm he did to her in the past was true.

In order to repay the kindness of others, he imposed pain on himself, which was unfair to Su Qingyu himself.

The two will not go back because of this child, the only connection between them is the child’s parents.

Taking care of Li Tingchen for seven days was regarded as repaying the love he had saved himself this time.

From now on, the bridge will return to the bridge road, and Su Qingyu will also have the way he wants to go.

The next few days were probably the most normal time for the two of them to get along in a few years. There was no rattling and no mean harm.

She took care of his diet patiently and carefully.

I don’t know what tasks Li Tingchen secretly arranged for Chen Feng and Chen Ling, and I haven’t seen the two of them in the past few days.

On the contrary, Michelle would appear eight hundred times a day. She was not tired, and Su Qingyu looked very tired.

“Brother Xiao.”She always likes to call Li Tingchen’s code name, as if this makes the two of them closer.

“I cut an apple for you, and you eat one to moisten your throat.”

As soon as Su Qingyu went out for a while, Michelle seized the opportunity to get in.

Li Tingchen frowned and declined, “I don’t like apples, so you can eat them yourself.””

“This is specially cut for you.”

I don’t know where she learned it recently. She was twitching when she spoke, and her throat seemed to be holding a pair of slippers in her eyes, which made Li Tingchen feel goose bumps all over her body.

Michelle’s appearance can only be regarded as medium-to-upper, plus her skeleton is relatively large and she is born with yellow skin.

She is the same height as Su Qingyu, and with a weight of 168,120, she is originally the most well-proportioned.

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