Even After Death

Chapter: 1342

“No.”Li Tingchen replied affirmatively.

After all, he was as seduced as Qiao Yi was at the beginning, and he was able to be unwavering, and even once made Chen Feng wonder if he had a problem and bought him so many toys.

“You move away first.”

“Susu, you are responsible for the fire you started.”

Su Qingyu’s eyes widened, “Li Tingchen, you are shameless, I only promised to take care of you, but I didn’t promise you anything.”

“It’s already like this, what can I do?”

“Solve it yourself.”Su Qingyu blushed.


She was shocked again, “Don’t you men all know what you are?”You and I have been divorced for so long, so you haven’t had it all at once, have you?”

“Yes.”Li Tingchen replied decisively.

“I just said……”

Li Tingchen moved to her ear and said word by word: “That is in a dream, and the woman in every dream is you.”

The scorching breath spilled in her ears, and the scent of shower gel continued to penetrate into the noses of the two of them.

The current situation of the two of them is like a pile of dry firewood. It only takes a little bit of mars to ignite this pile of dry firewood immediately.


“Susu, you can say that I hurt you mercilessly, but my love for you has been like a day for ten years, and there has never been a change. I love you. This is an indisputable fact.”

Su Qingyu turned his face away coldly, “I didn’t stay to listen to your nonsense!”You should know that we can’t look back for a long time. Don’t even think about the remarriage. I am no longer the sentimental girl who was coaxed around by your two love words.”

Li Tingchen’s magnetic voice laughed low in her ears, and her chest cavity vibrated with resonance.

“I know, I said I won’t force you to do anything. If you don’t want to remarry, I will never force it. I’m already very happy to get along like this.”

“Just know, my heart is as cold as steel now, and I won’t be fooled by your sweet words.”

Li Tingchen sighed helplessly: “But Susu, I’m really uncomfortable now, can you help me?””

With that aggrieved voice, Su Qingyu raised his head and met his wet eyes, like a puppy that had been abandoned.

Is this still the Li Tingchen she knew?Could it be that the dog took the house away?

Su Qingyu replied dryly: “How can I help?”

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