Even After Death

Chapter: 1344

“I’ll just sleep on the sofa.”

After what happened just now, how could Su Qingyu still feel relieved to contact him.

She even suspected that everything was planned by Li Tingchen for a long time.

She hugged another quilt and lay down on the sofa.

Li Tingchen sat on the bed with a grudge, “Susu, there are only four days left, can’t you stay with me more?””

“No, go to bed quickly.”Su Qingyu replied fiercely, simply turning over without looking at him, covering his head with a quilt.

But the strangeness between the legs can’t be ignored.

Obviously it was over, her face was still extremely hot.

This stinky hooligan.

Anyway, it’s only four days.

Thinking of his own plan, Su Qingyu didn’t care so much, anyway, nothing substantial happened to the two of them.

Li Tingchen stared at her back, until Su Qingyu’s breathing gradually stabilized, he cautiously walked to her side and hugged her horizontally.

He didn’t care about the wound breaking open, he didn’t want Su Qingyu to sleep on the sofa.

Su Qingyu woke up in a daze, opened his eyes to look at him, and said with a wary expression: “What are you doing again?”

That expression seemed to be anti-thief.

Li Tingchen was helpless, “The sofa is not easy to sleep on, you sleep in the bed, I will sleep on the sofa.”

He put Su Qingyu’s body on the bed, turned around and went to the sofa by himself.

The sofa is two-seater, he is nearly one meter nine tall, and his two long legs stretch out.

Su Qingyu took a deep breath and was about to go crazy on the spot, “Li Tingchen, are you deliberately blocking me?””

“Susu, I can do it. The sofa sleeps well. You see, it’s good for me to lie down like this.”

“Get out of bed for me!”

With a burst of anger, Li Tingchen obediently rolled back.

The mode of getting along between the two is unprecedented, but inexplicably harmonious.

Su Qingyu lay like a corpse wrapped in a thick quilt, Li Tingchen didn’t sleep either, staring at her with a pair of eyes, like a midnight ghost.

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