Even After Death

Chapter: 1354

Unexpectedly, he beckoned to himself, “You come with me.”

To Su Qingyu’s surprise, she pointed to the tip of her nose, “Me?”

“There is a second Su Qingyu here?”

Yuan Chenggong left quickly, Su Qingyu glanced at Li Tingchen, and Li Tingchen patted her on the shoulder, “Go.”

Su Qingyu followed him aside and said tremblingly: “Doctor Yuan.”

“I asked Lao Niu to understand your situation.”

Old cow?

Su Qingyu’s eyes widened. Could it be her former mentor Niuguyou?

He is not only a tutor in the medical school, but also a top surgeon in the country.

Su Qingyu is his most optimistic student. In his freshman year, Su Qingyu became his assistant and went to the operating table to observe.

He had high hopes for Su Qingyu, and he was the harshest to her when he was in school.

In his words, you are born to be a genius who is chasing and feeding. He is just her starting point, not the end point.

Teacher Niu treated her as a teacher and a father, but she did something that made him sad.

“Teacher Niu……Is he okay?”

Yuan Guyou’s voice was cold: “No, he said that he once had a disciple who made him the most proud, but then he gave up her glory for a stinky man.”

When these words were said, Su Qingyu’s tears also slipped down.

Until now, she still remembers that after she submitted her application to drop out of school, the teacher who had just finished the operation in the operating room did not even take off her surgical gown, and rushed to the school with a scalpel.

At first he thought something had happened, Su Qingyu’s family had fallen?Or is someone threatening her?

He proposed that if she was short of money, he would apply for a full scholarship for her, and he could also take her to the operating table. If her family wanted her to change her career and go back to inherit the family business, he would negotiate with Su Qiping.

He was sweating profusely that day, panting and said, “Girl, don’t be stupid, what a good future you have. If you have any difficulties, tell the teacher and I will try my best to help you solve it, okay?””

When Su Qingyu told him that he was just going to get married, the teacher’s glasses almost fell off, and he even suspected that he had misheard the operation for too long.

“Were you lowered by a man?”Why do you say such incredible things in your mouth?”

Everyone reacted the same as the teacher when they heard that she was going to marry. The teacher persuaded her for a long time, and then visited Su Qiping to talk.

It really didn’t work, he broke into Li Tingchen’s office single-handedly.

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