Even After Death

Chapter: 1357

“Yes, our clean dust.”

“He is so young!How can you bear it?”

Su Qingyu almost said it with tears. The child she had worked so hard to conceive and give birth to, she cared so much when she thought it was Bai Yuanyuan’s child, let alone knowing that Li Qingchen was her own son, how could she not feel distressed?

“Susu, I have to give him the ability to protect himself. Excessive indulgence will only harm him. Besides, although he is relatively young, he is much stronger than you think. He voluntarily went this way, you see……”

Li Qingchen staggered and fell into the snow, his little face smashed into the snow, Su Qingyu’s heart was pulled up.

She quickly opened the car door and was about to go down, but Li Tingchen held her hand, “Susu, since he has been handed over to the instructor, don’t interfere with other people’s training process. The rules here are everything. If you want to see him, you have to wait for all his projects to meet the standards.”

Su Qingyu was lying on the glass and watching. A tall man walked up to Li Qingchen and stretched out his hand towards him, as if asking him about his situation, whether he wanted to rest or something.

After all, Li Qingchen’s identity is special, and the instructor will more or less prescribe him a small business.

Li Qingchen refused the instructor’s help, “I, I can do it myself.”

His little hand was propped in the snow, and he slowly got up a little bit.

In such a small ball, the body burst out with infinite power.

He got up again and ran slowly towards the front, trying to keep up with the large army.

Su Qingyu didn’t know what he was thinking at the moment, but such a small figure was so persistent that he got up immediately, even if he couldn’t keep up, he was trying to run forward, one step, two steps……

Su Qingyu owed a lot to this child, and tears slowly fell down his cheeks.

She didn’t know what Li Tingchen’s life was like. In her eyes, Li Qingchen was just a child!

When he finished running, the older children had already gone to eat. When he rushed to the cafeteria, only cold dishes and leftovers were left for him.

Su Qingyu couldn’t bear it, “He’s just a child. If he can’t even eat well, how can he grow up?”No, I want to take him away.”

“Susu, calm down. This is how children come here these days when you haven’t been here. They are equipped with special nutritionists. Qingchen’s head is one head higher than his peers and his body is much healthier. He is my child. How could I not feel distressed?”

Su Qingyu looked at Li Qingchen obediently, without the slightest dissatisfaction. As soon as he was about to sit down to eat, the aunt in the cafeteria brought him a hot meal.

“Little guy, eat this, auntie left it for you.”

“Thank you auntie.”

“Ouch, I don’t know which little pity it is, it’s so young, your parents left you behind, be good, eat more!”

A shallow smile appeared at the corner of Qingchen’s mouth, “My parents didn’t leave me behind. I was willing to come by myself. They are all very good people.”

He had just taken a few bites of his meal, when a tall child appeared and swept his meal directly to the ground.

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