Even After Death

Chapter: 1378

Su Qingyu had suffered too much. She didn’t want to see such a thing happen to Qin Ou again. She would take Qin Ou away whatever she said this time.

Gu Yanzhi forcibly pulled Qin Ou away, and Qin Ou asked coldly, “What are you doing here?””

Gu Yanzhi couldn’t answer the question, “Where is your room?”Let’s go in and talk.”

Qin Ou nodded her chin to the front, and Gu Yanzhi dragged her hand into the room.

“What the hell is the matter with you……Hmm……”

The moment the door was closed, Gu Yanzhi’s body had already reached up, and his thin lips kissed her accurately, “Fairy, I miss you.”

Qin Ou was shocked. She really thought it was important for Gu Yanzhi to come all the way here.

Even during this period of time, she kept thinking in her mind about whether there was a big problem with the contract she had handled before, so Gu Yanzhi would rush over not far away.

At the moment she was kissed by Gu Yanzhi, she had only one thought, is this man sick?

“Let me go!”

It took her a lot of effort to push him away.

Although she has been in the same room for some days since she gave birth, her health has improved a lot, which does not mean that the injury in her heart has healed.

What does this man do regardless of it?

Gu Yanzhi, who was pushed away, was obviously a little dissatisfied, but he still remembered Qin Ou’s small birth and was gentle with her.

“Sorry, I haven’t seen you for a long time. I miss you a little bit.”

Gu Yanzhi sat down at will with his legs slightly open, then beckoned to Qin Ou, “Come here.”

“What exactly do you have……”

Gu Yanzhi dragged her body and sat on her lap, then took out a jewelry box from her suit pocket.

“Open it and have a look.”

Qin Ou was stunned and did not move, while Gu Yanzhi opened it for her, and inside was a rose ring with pink colored diamonds.

“Last year, you didn’t like the work of this designer. I ordered this rose ring for half a year to complete. I originally wanted to give it to you on the two-year anniversary in a few days. As soon as the goods arrived, I couldn’t help but bring it to you. You can try it to see if it fits.”

As Gu Yanzhi said, he was about to wear it on Qin Ou’s hand. The pink diamond was romantic and beautiful, exuding an eye-catching halo, and it was as beautiful as a work of art.

She likes money, and her original idea was very simple.

Gu Yanzhi wanted her body, and she also coveted Gu Yanzhi’s figure, thinking that she was all the same age, and she still had money to take when she slept with such a man, and she made a lot of money.

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