Even After Death

Chapter: 1384

Qi Xiao squatted down and gently held her in his arms.

Qin Ou gently bumped Su Qingyu’s arm and asked, “When did you find a concubine outside?”It’s still so mysterious, it shouldn’t be shady……”

Before the voice fell, Wang Shu suddenly stretched out his hand and took off Qi Xiao’s mask, and gently kissed him on the face, “Godfather……”

This was the first time Su Qingyu saw Qi Xiao’s face. He thought there might be a birthmark or some trace on his face.

But this face is clean, with three-dimensional contours of facial features and beautiful appearance.

I don’t know if it was her illusion, she actually felt that Qi Xiao and Li Tingchen were a bit similar.

Qi Xiao quickly put on the mask, “Let’s go, in case there are extraneous branches.””

Only then did Su Qingyu recover. It was probably because the light was too bad at night that she read it wrong, so she took Qin Ou’s hand and got on the speedboat.

She didn’t know that in addition to densely distributed cameras on this island, there are also many small high-definition insect traps.

They are hidden in trees and grass, and can move flexibly, transmitting all the pictures of Su Qingyu and the children to Li Tingchen.

Even if she was going to leave with Qin Ou, Li Tingchen had already received the news.

In front of the screen at this moment, Li Tingchen looked at the few people who had fled in a hurry under the night.

Chen Ling couldn’t help but worry and asked, “Mr. Li, do you really want to let your wife go?”Once we leave this island, we will not be able to monitor her range of activities.”

This is the last and only chance.

“I promised her to set her free.”

But he still left a hand, and early in the morning, Yuan Chenggong gave Su Qingyu a business card. With Teacher Su Qingyu as a gimmick, she would definitely contact Niuguyou if she wanted to continue her medical career.

Li Tingchen stared at the person in the picture, watching his child happily running towards another man, he admitted that he was jealous.

Neither of these two children ever called their father.

In the picture, Wang Shu suddenly took off Qi Xiao’s mask, exposing Qi Xiao’s entire face on the huge screen.

Although it was only a few seconds, everyone present was stunned.


“How could it be him?Isn’t he dead?”

“Boss, am I blind? I just saw Qilin!””

Li Tingchen’s whole body was trembling, and the moment Qilin died appeared again in his mind. Bright red blood flowed from his chest, soaking his hands and eyes.

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