Even After Death

Chapter: 1412

Everyone followed her to a bamboo forest, and she made a gesture to tell everyone to stop and wait.

Then I walked into the bamboo forest. There was a stream next to the bamboo forest with a stone bridge on it, which looked very elegant.

Not far away there is a huge tree, which at first glance is an old tree that has lived for hundreds of years.

There are some red ribbons hanging from the tree, and a small bell is tied to the end of the ribbon, and the wind blows “jingle”.

Although there is no luxurious decoration here, it makes people feel very comfortable.

Michelle whispered, “Can’t this little girl speak?””

Yuan Chenggong glanced coldly, “Shut up, I don’t know how you died.””

Chen Ling pointed to the touch of red not far away.

Michelle saw a pair of dark green eyes with hair standing on her back. It was not the big snake she saw in the woods. She had been following them!

Not long after, a gray-haired old woman came out of the wooden house, and Yuan Chenggong hurriedly stepped forward to greet her.

“You, you are Aunt Cao, and I am Xiao Yuan. You saved my life back then, do you remember?”

Although Cao Wan is older, she has quick hands and feet, clear eyes, and does not have the dizziness and deafness of her age.

The clothes she was wearing were similar to that of a little girl, and her long snow-white hair was fixed by a wooden hairpin.

The whole person’s spirit is free and easy, “Xiao Yuan, I didn’t expect that forty years have passed in a blink of an eye. You are the same as before. I said you won’t grow tall anymore.”

Yuan Chenggong’s old face flushed. At that time, he was highly poisonous, and he was only in his teens when the teacher brought him here.

At that time, Cao Wan was just over forty, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she was in her prime. She looked much younger than her peers.

She has a pungent temperament, and after she cured herself, she said that she would not grow tall. After Yuan Chenggong went back, she drank milk and played basketball, and her height was still only 170.

Standing in front of Chen Ling’s juniors, he was a lot shorter.

“Aunt Cao, you are still the same as in the past. It would be great to see you. Can you save this unsuccessful junior in my family? He has been poisoned by nine hearts.”

Cao Wan sighed, “You are stumping me. Nine Heart Poison is a highly poisonous substance composed of nine toxins. If you make a mistake, the antidote will also become a poison, which will make him die faster.”

Yang Han hurriedly took out his own inspection report, “Mother-in-law Cao, just help. We have refined and analyzed the toxins. You can see what kind of antidote we need. We will find it now.”

“Okay, bring people in first and let me have a look.”

A group of people quickly carried Li Tingchen to a small wooden house.

“Take off his clothes and let me see.”

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