Even After Death

Chapter: 1415

“No, I’m a living person. She uses urine to drive me away?”

“It’s not that you are talking nonsense. Aunt Cao spoke normally from the beginning, but she started to change from the moment you said she was your fiancée.”

“Is she a psychopath that no one wants in her life? I watch TV like this. When someone in love pleads for mercy, those experts in the world will be moved by this relationship and then save others. How did I know she would be like this?”

Instead of getting the pity of the world’s experts, he was splashed with urine.

Why is she so miserable!

“There is the stream over there. You go and wash it, and we will think of a way. Now we have no turning back. The boss only has one day left.”

Chen Ling decided to risk being splashed with shit and urine, and must ask Cao Wan to take action.

Whether you can save it or not, at least try it. It’s better than just waiting to die like this.

“Brother, I’ll go with you. I’m thick-skinned and I’m not afraid of her splashing.”

Yuan Chenggong followed, and Yang Han was the only one left in the room.

He looked at Li Tingchen, who was holding the corner of his clothes tightly because of the pain, and sighed silently, “You said, why do you bother.”

What could have been solved with one shot, he had to make himself like this because of that face.

“If you die here, she won’t even know.”

The organs of Li Tingchen’s whole body were affected by the venom, and his hearing, smell, and even his desire to speak could only make a whimpering sound.

I don’t know when the little girl walked back again.

“Jingle bell, jingle bell……”

It was the sound of bells on the little girl’s feet.

She looked like she was only two or three years old, with a delicate and beautiful face that was harmless to humans and animals.

I don’t know if it was Yang Han’s illusion, he always felt that this little girl looked a little familiar.

The little girl is three points similar to Su Qingyu.

But it’s only three points. She should be a mixed race, and her appearance is too European.

“Your name is Xiao Wu, right?”Yang Han put his hands on his knees and leaned down, gently speaking to the little girl.

Xiao Wu didn’t seem to hear what he said, and walked straight past him to Li Tingchen’s side.

Li Tingchen could vaguely see the outline of a little girl. He slowly stretched out his hand. Because of his eyesight, he couldn’t see the little girl’s appearance clearly, so he felt a little kind by instinct.

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