Even After Death

Chapter: 1421

So when he fell into physical pain, he even had a little bit of fun. Could he fly to Su Qingyu’s side and look at her again as long as he died?

Su Qingyu was tortured by cancer cells in excruciating pain. Could she feel one percent of her pain a little bit?

She only had two days, but she endured it for so long year after year.

Every time he thought of those past, his heart ached, and he felt that even if he repented thousands of times, he could not make up for the suffering Su Qingyu had suffered.


It is always that person who is dreaming.

But he has lost her forever and ever, maybe he will never have a chance to see her again in this life.

Li Tingchen got a pen and paper and began to write his will.

There is nothing to say. The person who inherited the Li family was Li Qingchen, and all his property will be left to his children and ex-wife.

It’s just that the Li family has a lot of property, and it takes time to write about the distribution of these.

Time passed minute by minute, and the setting sun gradually set. Li Tingchen watched the round of setting sun on the horizon gradually disappear on the horizon, proving that his life was also gradually being lost.

“Boss, you can take a break and write again.”

“No, I’m afraid I can’t see my eyes behind me, I can’t hear my ears, and I don’t even have the strength to hold a pen.”

He must write it down while he is in a good mental state.

Michelle cried bitterly from the side. She looked at the god who was like a god who would never fall, and for the first time she saw weakness on his face.

It seems that it is not time that has passed, but Li Tingchen’s life.

Why would God do this to him?What did Li Tingchen do wrong?

“Don’t cry.”Chen Feng pulled her out. The people in the room were in a bad mood, and everyone couldn’t help crying like this.

Li Tingchen felt a little itchy in his throat, and he coughed softly.

However, a large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth and splashed on the white paper.

“Boss!”Chen Ling hurriedly rushed over.

With a ”pop”, Xiao Wu was holding some fruits and vegetables in her hand, and hit the ground the moment she saw Li Tingchen vomiting blood.

Everyone looked at her, and saw tears slowly oozing from Xiao Wu’s beautiful green eyes, and they fell to the ground like crystal tears.

Li Tingchen didn’t care to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth, “Look, the little girl was frightened.”

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