Even After Death

Chapter: 1426

“If you think about it carefully, I’m really a waste. I didn’t do anything well, didn’t keep my promise to my brother, and didn’t take good care of my wife and children.”

“No, you are the best boss in the world, and you are a national hero. If it weren’t for you to sacrifice your life to protect this country again and again, how could there be the stability today?”Boss, if there is a next life, I will be your subordinate and protect you for the rest of my life.”

Li Tingchen clenched his hand, “What a fool, can’t you make a better wish?”Haven’t you had enough days of displacement like this?”

“Not enough. As long as I’m with the boss, I can do anything. Boss, don’t die. I’m so careless. If I didn’t have you by my side to remind me from time to time, I would definitely make mistakes!”

“Boss, if you die, that bastard Huo Yao must be laughing to death. After fighting for so many years, he still won. We only have the last step left.”

“Boss, you can hold on for a while, maybe the doctor will be back soon, and you have to live to give the letter to your wife.”

Chen Feng’s voice was getting farther and farther away, and Li Tingchen’s senses were lost.

In a trance, he seemed to hear a sentence: “Boss, look, the sun is coming out.”

It was ten seconds after Li Tingchen heard these words.

A long time ago, he promised Su Qingyu that he would accompany her to see the sunrise in the five mountains and rivers.

At that time, he was very busy, even if he really wanted to accompany her, he couldn’t spare time.

This shelving is forever.

Susu, is God going to punish me for breaking my promise to you, so I won’t be able to see you again before I die?

He turned his head slowly like an elderly man. It turned out that blindness was not because of darkness in front of him, but because his eyes could not see any color.

In that piece of nothingness, he seemed to see a golden color.

It’s sunrise.

It was supposed to be an extremely dazzling color, and it looked like a filter had been added to his eyes.

It was like a fire that was about to be blown out by the wind, so weak and thin.

He couldn’t hear the wind anymore, and his senses were losing a little bit.

He opened his mouth, as if he had said something, and as if he hadn’t said anything.

Jingle bell, jingle bell.

Before he lost all his senses, he seemed to hear the last bell.

Oh, by the way, it’s that little girl.

Little witch.

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