Even After Death

Chapter: 143


Su Qingyu nodded with a smile, picked up his hat and scarf, and took a taxi out in full gear.

On the way, she thought about the possibility of what would happen, but she just gave up her self-esteem and cooperated with Bai Yuanyuan.

In fact, it is not difficult.

What is self-esteem compared to death?

This is the first time she has come to the interior of Luhaiju. The decoration style is her favorite. The blue arches, horseshoe-shaped doors and windows, gray mud walls, and white curtains are more mysterious and romantic under the sea breeze.

It’s a pity that the owner of the house is Bai Yuanyuan.

Su Qingyu went to the living room under the guidance of the servant. The spacious and bright living room has 270-degree floor-to-ceiling windows, and you can clearly enjoy the sea from every angle.

She hadn’t seen Bai Yuanyuan yet, and suddenly there was an extra pendant on her lap, which was Li Qingchen who hadn’t seen it in some days.

“Mom.”His pronunciation is more standard than before, and Grandma Wao Wao is very nice.

The child’s eyes were shining, like stars in the sky, Su Qingyu saw him again, and he felt more kind in his heart.

Li Qingchen opened his arms towards Su Qingyu, his pink mouth drooling all the time: “Mom, hug……”

Su Qingyu wanted to reach out and rub his head, but the nanny hurriedly came over and took Li Qingchen away.

“Hey, my little master, go upstairs quickly. Your mother has important things to do in a while.”

Li Qingchen, who was forcibly taken away, was very dissatisfied, and immediately cried, stretching out his arm towards Su Qiaoyu, “Mom, Mom.”

Su Qingyu’s heart also tugged, she actually had such complicated emotions for Bai Yuanyuan’s son.

Bai Yuanyuan came late from the second floor, and heard Li Qingchen’s voice from a long distance, “Good boy, I will finally call my mother. Mommy will come to play with you in a while.””

Li Qingchen ignored her, still looking in Su Qingyu’s direction.

Bai Yuanyuan sat down on the sofa by herself, and the servant came over to please and asked, “Madam, what do you want to drink?””

Bai Yuanyuan raised her head with her right hand and looked at Su Qingyu lazily, “I heard you baked a good cake.”

“If this is Su Zhai’s condition, I can bake it for you.”Su Qingyu went directly to the subject.

Bai Yuanyuan smiled: “Su Qingyu, you are also from a business family. Didn’t your father teach you that you have to pay for what you want?”If you stand here today, I will acquiesce that you are here to talk to me about Su Zhai. What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?”

“What do you want to eat?”

“The servant will tell you.”

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