Even After Death

Chapter: 1432

Fortunately, as long as the venom does not erode the heart, he will still be saved.

This bathtub is made of thousand-year-old wood, which itself has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification. Coupled with the spring water here, it can do more with half the effort.

Su Qingyu lit a fire under the bathtub, turned around and told Chen Ling, “You pour water into the bathtub.”

“Good doctor.”

Su Qing was used to hearing him call his wife a few years ago, but now he is a strange doctor and awkward.

“You change your name.”

“I don’t know the name of the doctor?”


Chen Ling thought that she had been living in the stockade and her name would be similar to Xiaowu, but unexpectedly, an English name was thrown out on the spot.

Wait, what’s your name?

Chen Ling’s breathing almost stopped abruptly, “Are you Vanessa?That almighty doctor!”

What is omnipotence? Generally, doctors will shine light and fever in a certain field. The first time I heard this name was last year. She is one of the few people in China who can perform bone and tooth artificial corneal surgery.

This is a very complex operation. Not only is the process complicated, but the requirements for the surgeon are also very high, and experts such as dentistry, ophthalmology, and radiology are required.

People in the country who can do it can be counted with one hand, but most of those people are in their forties or fifties and have a wealth of life experience.

Only this dark horse doctor who suddenly jumped out, legend has it that he was only in his twenties but made a successful case.

At that time, this incident was not reported by the media, and many people were waiting to interview her. Other patients flew from all over the country to ask her for consultation, but she was not found in this hospital at all.

The second time the name appeared again, it was another extremely difficult heart operation, and when it was learned that it was the same person, it caused a sensation all over the country.

The media moved when they heard the wind, and in the end they didn’t even touch the corners of her clothes, they only heard that she was a doctor.

In the past more than a year, the name vanessa has been active at home and abroad.

But Chen Ling actually met an internationally renowned doctor in this small village like Xanadu today, and she turned out to be a master of detoxification!

During the period when Chen Ling was in a daze, Su Qingyu quickly matched the herbs, and handed the other one to Xiaowu for her to make.

Among the few children, only Xiaowu inherited medicine with a special physique.

After Su Qingyu discovered that she was pregnant for more than three years, Zhou Yuantang wanted to destroy her child and treat her without worries.

Su Qingyu rejected Zhou Yuantang’s proposal, and finally, unable to do anything, Zhou Yuantang thought of a perfect solution and sent her to Cao Wan in Shiluo Village.

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