Even After Death

Chapter: 1433

Cao Wan knows a secret method to nourish the fetus with medicine, and does the opposite. The fetus nourished with medicine does not have to be afraid of any medicine in the fetus.

Su Qingyu’s maternal body is extremely demanding, and she must feed on medicinal materials day and night.

Under such circumstances, Su Qingyu successfully treated the cancer. Although he suffered some hardships on the day of delivery, fortunately, the child came out safely.

The only unusual thing is that the child’s eyes are born green and she can’t speak.

Su Qingyu took the child to the world’s top experts and failed to cure Xiaowu.

After all, her organs are normal under the equipment. Experts said that maybe the child is just too young, and she will be able to say it when she is older.

As long as autism is ruled out, Su Qingyu is not so worried.

It was normal for the children who were nourished by themselves with drugs to be different from ordinary people. Being unable to speak was the smallest price compared to losing a life.

Moreover, the sky changed on the day of Xiaowu’s birth, and many animals appeared around the bamboo house, birds, insects and fish gathered around.

Xiao Wu was born to understand animal language, even if poison would not hurt her.

This can be regarded as God opened a window for her when he closed a door for her, so Su Qingyu would give her the witch character.

As for why her eyes are green, there are two possibilities. Either the relatives of both parents have the gene for green eyes, or the gene mutation caused by the absorption of too many drugs in the fetus.

Su Qingyu is not familiar with Lin Yong’s family, and his biological parents don’t know who they are, so he can’t judge the reason for the time being.

In short, Su Qingyu was already very happy that Xiao Wu could pick up a life and grow up healthy.

“Turn the fire fan bigger, and use a high-temperature medicinal bath to force out some of the toxins in his body.”Su Qingyu reminded.

“Yes, since there is this method, why didn’t Mother-in-law Cao say it yesterday?””

Su Qingyu replied lightly: “Mother-in-law, not everyone can do it.”

If Michelle didn’t say that, Su Qingyu felt that it would be more likely to save him.

The people around her knew that her past was not worth it for her, only Su Qingyu was relieved.

If you remember those bad things, it will deepen her feelings for Li Tingchen over and over again.

Love or hate are complementary in themselves.

She had understood the relationship between her and Li Tingchen a few years ago. She couldn’t ask for it, she couldn’t love it, and she couldn’t wait. It was better not to love, not to hate, not to think about it.

Her life is still long, and she has more important things to do. She will no longer waste time on her children’s affairs.

The mountain spring water filled the pool, and with many medicinal materials, the entire cave was filled with the smell of medicinal materials.

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