Even After Death

Chapter: 1437

“My wife left more than three years ago. The boss looked for a lot of places and couldn’t find her. This time, if it weren’t for the other party deliberately looking for a woman who is very similar to my wife, he wouldn’t be distracted. Knife.”

It turned out that Li Tingchen was for this reason, and Su Qingyu didn’t know what to say.

“It’s not that there is no other way.”

“What’s the way?”

Su Qingyu stared at Chen Ling’s mouth, “You are his brother, right, then you can feed it!””

Chen Ling swallowed subconsciously and pointed to his nose, “Me?”

Su Qingyu said coldly: “Isn’t it you, is it me?Hurry up, the time you are delaying now is his passing life.”

Chen Ling was a little speechless, although he didn’t have a girlfriend, it didn’t mean he was bent!Is he a straight steel man?

But the other party was not wrong, and Li Tingchen went one step closer to death by wasting one more second.

“I……Ok then.”Chen Ling thought that as long as Li Tingchen could survive, it would be no big deal.

As he said, Chen Ling took a sip of the medicine into his mouth, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

“Steady, don’t waste it. The second medicine is another medicinal material, and the efficacy is different.”

Chen Ling felt that this was more difficult than walking a tightrope by himself. With his heart crossed, he closed his eyes and didn’t think about anything, and aimed directly at Li Tingchen’s mouth.

What do you care about when you are at the juncture of life and death, just treat this as artificial respiration.

Besides, Li Tingchen didn’t dislike him, what right did he have to dislike Li Tingchen.

Chen Ling is worthy of Su Qingyu’s fancy, and he is very reliable in doing things.

To be sure, Chen Ling’s appearance is also quite handsome, and the kissing of these two big men is quite seductive.

Cough, it’s far away.

Su Qingyu was relieved to go aside and continue to boil the medicine.

He had to take a total of 9981 pills, and he had to take them every three hours for the first three days. After all, his life was on the line, and the effect of the medicine had to be heavier.

After drinking the medicine, Chen Ling put him on the ground and rested for a while, then moved him into the bucket to expel the toxins as soon as possible.

The two cooperated tacitly, Su Qingyu dispensed medicine and boiled medicine, and Chen Ling was responsible for feeding Li Tingchen medicine and taking care of him.

After a day and a night, the color of Li Tingchen’s lips gradually became normal, and he was able to drink the medicine by himself.

When he started to swallow actively, Chen Ling was moved to death, “The boss has the desire to survive!””

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