Even After Death

Chapter: 1456

But the snakes coiled not far away made people feel creepy when they looked at them.

After all, Xiaowu is a child’s nature, and the person she cares about most is Su Qingyu.

The first time she used her strength was when she was just two years old. Su Qingyu went to the mountains to collect medicine at that time. Because she stayed for too long, the taste of animal repellent powder on her body faded a lot.

A leopard attacked Su Qingyu from behind, and even though Su Qingyu reacted quickly, her arm was still scratched.

Blood splashed on the child’s face in the basket, Xiao Wu’s pupils dilated, and no one told her what to do, but in her anger, she attracted all the snakes, insects, rats and ants nearby, and the birds in the sky.

The leopard was bitten to death alive, and in the end only one white bone was left.

Su Qingyu was not frightened by the leopard, but by his daughter.

The little witch in Su Qingyu’s eyes at the time still remembers it now, as if she was looking at a monster.

Although she hugged herself in only a few seconds and gently comforted herself that it was okay, Xiao Wu still felt a little tingling when she thought of that look in her eyes.

Yes, my mother must not want her to abuse her abilities.

Xiao Wu played the bamboo flute again, and the sound gradually became gentle, and the snakes receded like a tide.

The big red snake picked the little witch off the tree, and when she was about to reach the ground, the little witch jumped lightly and fell barefoot in front of Michelle.

Michelle raised her head to look at Xiaowu’s green pupils, Xiaowu glanced at her deeply, and Michelle trembled with fright.

Xiao Wu didn’t do anything more, and gradually walked away with a slow step.

Jingle bell.

Every time the bell rang, it seemed to fall on her heart, and Michelle was sweating coldly.

Michelle didn’t limp to the ground until she couldn’t hear the sound anymore.

She seemed to have lost half of her life. She had planned to leave the next day, but Michelle fell ill that night.

She was delirious and talking nonsense.

Chen Feng told Chen Ling vividly what happened yesterday, with excitement on his face.

“Brother, didn’t you see that the scene was so spectacular? It was a sea of snakes, gongs and drums, and firecrackers!Just like filming a blockbuster movie, those snakes came from all directions, so it was so oozing.”

Chen Ling frowned, thinking about Cao Wan’s self-inflicted sentence before he left, and always felt that it was no accident that Michelle fell ill.

“Brother, what are you thinking?”

“Did Vanessa say that she wouldn’t let her out of the stockade?””

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