Even After Death

Chapter: 1457

“She said it, but the premise is that Michelle didn’t apologize, she had already apologized at the time.”

Chen Ling shook his head, “Do you think Michelle apologized sincerely at that time?””

“It doesn’t seem to count, if it’s really her, what should we do?””

Chen Ling sighed: “It’s up to her to solve the bell and return it to the bellman. She has to solve this knot by herself. Let Michelle apologize for coming to the door.”

After speaking, Chen Ling walked into the room. Li Tingchen was lying in bed to rest because of his weak body, and he didn’t know what was happening outside.

Every time Chen Ling comes in, he will say hello in advance: “Boss, it’s me.”

“I know.”Li Tingchen could hear the footsteps of the two of them, not as fragile as Chen Ling thought.

“How are you feeling today?”

Li Tingchen closed his eyes and frowned, “Not very good, I have a terrible headache.”

Seeing that the traces on Li Tingchen’s face have faded a lot, it stands to reason that there should be fewer and fewer toxins, and people are getting more and more energetic. Why is he so uncomfortable?

“You wait, I’ll call the doctor right away.”


Chen Ling didn’t care about Michelle, so he quickly went to Yaolu.

Su Qingyu was reading a medical book at this point while guarding the fire decocting medicine.

She not only studied traditional Chinese medicine, but also proficient in Western medicine, and even mastered it herself, and has a unique way of dealing with some diseases.

Seeing Chen Ling’s face coming in a hurry, it must be Li Tingchen who can make this steady person like this.

“What?”She put a bookmark in her hand and got up.

“Something is wrong with the boss, please go and have a look.”

While speaking, Su Qingyu had already got up and moved his steps, “Okay, you help me watch the fire and don’t let anyone approach.”

Although this is his own territory, Su Qingyu is also afraid that there will be accidents. Li Tingchen’s poison has not been completely resolved. If someone changes the medicine, it can easily kill people.


Su Qingyu walked around the house quickly, her footsteps were very shallow.

“Is it vanessa?”Li Tingchen asked in advance, he became very vigilant before his vision recovered.

“Well, it’s me.”

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