Even After Death

Chapter: 1494

Li Tingchen found that his eyes were a little better. Although he still couldn’t see clearly, Su Qingyu’s contour lines were clearer than in the past.

Su Qingyu wrapped up in a bathrobe, and when he looked back, he saw Li Tingchen covered in water, like a silly dog in the water, and the irritability in his heart deepened again.

How did such a shrewd man become what he is now?

She accepted her fate and stretched out her hand to him, “I will pull you up and bandage you again.”


Li Tingchen groped for her little hand and climbed up with Su Qingyu’s strength.

When he came ashore, his feet slipped, and he took advantage of the situation to press Su Qingyu under him.

The wet two rolled into a ball, Li Tingchen was embarrassed, and while getting up in a panic, he made himself even more confused.

He was originally a calm and self-supporting man, but after encountering Su Qing, all calmness and restraint were left behind.

The more cautious he was, the worse things got.

“Don’t move, I’ll do it.”Su Qingyu spoke helplessly.

She could also understand, just as she had learned that she had lived for a long time before, she had been depressed for a while, and even thought about death.

A good person suddenly encounters such a thing, how can he accept it safely?

In order to prevent Li Tingchen from making things more troublesome, she calmed his emotions and took clean clothes and put them at his hand.

“These are clothes and pants, can you change them yourself?”

“Yes, but which is the front and which is the back?”

“Forget it, let me do it.”

Anyway, it was not the first time he had seen his body. Su Qingyu gave it up, pulled the lace around his waist with his fingers, and took off his bathrobe.

A scar appeared on the man’s sturdy back, which was left to save her more than three years ago.

She still remembers the bloody scene at that time.

It turns out that so many years have passed, and time is really a terrible thing.

Gently wipe the drops of water on his face and body with a clean towel. He is as obedient as a big dog, allowing himself to do whatever he wants.

How could such a picture be seen before?

After all, for a strong man like Li Tingchen, he habitually takes care of all his own affairs.

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