Even After Death

Chapter: 1504

Of course Li Tingchen would not admit it!

“Susu, I also think I can restore my eyesight as soon as possible, so I don’t have to cause you so much trouble.”He said with sorrowful eyebrows and bitter eyes.

“Don’t move, I’ll get some paper.”


Li Tingchen clearly saw Su Qingyu casually wrapped in a bathrobe, took out a dagger from under the pillow and approached him.

At the same time, her gaze was fixed on his face, trying to see clues from his face.

How could Li Tingchen not guess her mind, she had already begun to doubt herself.

But if Su Qingyu finds out that he pretended to lie to her, the ending can be imagined.

He was nervous in his heart, but he didn’t dare to show the slightest loophole on his face.

Letting the nosebleeds drip down, he asked like a fool: “Susu, where are you?Are you back?”

Su Qingyu walked up to him and put down the paper towel as usual: “Here we go.”

Watching her pumping a tissue, she suddenly drew her knife the next second, and the blade passed in front of Li Tingchen’s eyes, stopping at a distance of three centimeters from his eyeball.

Li Tingchen didn’t blink, didn’t even take a step back.

The tip of the knife was straight into his eyes.

This is definitely not the reaction that a normal person should have. Su Qingyu was suspicious in his heart. Did he think too much?

She didn’t see Li Tingchen’s fingers behind her, her nails embedded in her palms, using severe pain to distract her instinctive reaction to the dagger.

She is ruthless, he is more ruthless than her.

Li Tingchen even deliberately moved his body, “Susu, where is the paper?””

Su Qingyu quickly put away the dagger, “Here it is.”

She didn’t know that Li Tingchen’s back was already oozing with cold sweat at this moment.

After this incident, Li Tingchen’s blood also miraculously stopped.

Seeing his blood all over his body, it would be troublesome to take a bath with water.

“The water I just took a bath in is still hot, so you can wash it if it’s not too dirty.”

“It’s not dirty, it’s not dirty, how can my Susu be dirty?Is it here?”

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