Even After Death

Chapter: 1506

Li Tingchen’s face was ridiculously cold, and Su Qingyu was telling him in this way that it was impossible for the two of them.

But he was all anti-bone, so how could he give up?

Li Tingchen did not entangle, and followed Yan Qing away.

There are still a few days left. If he has not made any progress with Su Qingyu in the past few days, then he will have to suffer from acacia day and night as before.

Looking at the full moon in the sky, there is not much time, he has to hurry up.

Su Qingyu thought that Li Tingchen would pester her. In the next two days, he did not deliberately look for her, but he got a lot closer to Cao Wan.

Cao Wan would throw him some work to do, such as peeling the split corn into grains one by one, and he would also take him and Yan Qing as helpers when collecting the corn.

In just a few days, Li Tingchen had become accustomed to doing farm work. He stood in the cornfield with his trouser legs in his arms, groping for a sickle to cut off the corn stalks.

Although his speed is relatively slow, he has good physical strength!

Cao Wan took his hand and said, “Boy Li, you were born to break bracts of rice, so it’s better to stay and farm for my wife.”

Li Tingchen didn’t hide it either, “Okay, as long as the mother-in-law doesn’t dislike it.”

Before Cao Wan came up with it with him, he labeled Li Tingchen in his mind: domineering, strong, negative, and dog thief.

Now it has become: hardworking, strong, good at breaking bracts, and strong in body.

He doesn’t seem to be as annoying as he thought. The key is that he has never concealed his love for Su Qingyu. Like a clingy dog, Cao Wan wanted to match the two of them.

As a reward for Yan Qing’s daily help, Cao Wan personally gave him an injection, which was bound to heal Yan Qing’s feet.

Li Tingchen sat on a stool beside him, peeling off the freshly cut corn one by one.

Su Qingyu likes to eat tender corn, especially the one that has just been broken back from the ground and has a sweet fragrance.

Su Qingyu sat on the small bridge, his legs dangling to watch all this.

Li Tingchen’s clothes were soaked through, and his forehead was full of sweat.

Cao Wan, who finished injecting Yan Qing, pulled Su Qingyu aside and whispered: “I look at Xiaoli. This kid is very good. He is all for you. Look at it. I’ve been tired for most of the day. I know you like to eat fresh. I didn’t take a break when I came back. The important thing for a man is to have a heart. He has money and a heart. Don’t you really consider getting back together with him?”

Su Qingyu raised her hand. Her hand originally had sequelae. After soaking in the medicine spring for a few years, it is now healed, and even the scars are much lighter.

“Mother-in-law, do you know how painful it is when the bullet hits here?I will never forget it for the rest of my life, people, if you can’t heal the scars, you will forget the pain.”


“It’s still early, I’m leaving in a few days, and I’m going to collect the rest of the rice.”

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