Even After Death

Chapter: 1510

Su Qingyu glared at him shyly, bit her lip and said, “I don’t want to!”

Li Tingchen bit her ear beads lightly with her lips, as if bewitched by the devil: “But I miss it so much.”

She had long felt the tight body lines of the man. In the sultry air, both of them were sweaty from farm work, and the scent of medicine on her body became stronger and stronger, seducing him all the time like venom.

Su Qingyu patted his restless hand, “Be honest.”

Li Tingchen was not so obedient this time, he needed an opportunity.

An Niu and Xiuer are his and Su Qingyu’s chance to break the game.

The two of them had been working on firewood for a long time. Seeing that it was getting late, everyone in the unlit field had already hurriedly gone back to eat, how could they stay in this deserted place.

Therefore, such an atmosphere and scene can stimulate human primitive desires even more, and the cornstalk is almost broken!

Li Tingchen’s breath was in her ears, and even the evening breeze caressed the two of them with the scorching heat.

Li Tingchen sighed, “Susu, I won’t force you if you don’t want to, but I won’t be able to control you like this. Get up.””

As Li Tingchen stretched out his hand to push her away, Su Qingyu quickly got down again, pressing his voice fiercely in Li Tingchen’s ear and said, “Don’t move.”

“You won’t let me move, and you won’t move. Just listening to others move makes me uncomfortable.”

Su Qingyu blushed and explained in a low voice: “Xiuer is cheating on her husband. If others find out, she will either sink into the pond by her husband’s family or commit suicide in shame. If you go out now, you will kill others.”

Li Tingchen sneered: “What does her death have to do with me?She is not you.”

At that moment, Su Qingyu suddenly reacted to the coolness and thinness in Li Tingchen’s bones.

“There is no divorce in our stockade, only widowhood. Her husband is paralyzed. She also mentioned separation. She escaped three times and was caught back.”Su Qingyu tried to explain.

“Is this the reason for her cheating?Susu, for so many years, I have never been messing around outside. If I truly love someone, it is not a restraint in the legal sense, but a restraint of my own heart and morality. Cheating is cheating, whether it is mental or physical, don’t find a reason for her betrayal, no matter how high-sounding it is, it’s just an excuse.”

Su Qingyu curled up slightly on the fingers clutching his shirt, “So you don’t look at the reason for betrayal, do you?””

This sentence is not about Xiu’er, but herself.

“Yes, betrayal is betrayal, Susu, think about it. I didn’t touch Bai Yuanyuan at the beginning, but you thought I did that. How are you feeling?What is the mood of her husband who is lying in bed and can’t take care of herself? No matter what the reason is, the traitor is unforgivable.”

Su Qingyu thought of herself and Lin Yong that night. She was under the influence of drugs at the time, but she didn’t really remember the process. The madness of that night could be seen from the traces left on her body the next day.

She is also a traitor!

Li Tingchen didn’t think about that aspect at all. After all, in his heart, he was Lin Yong, and Su Qingyu had never betrayed him.

He was purely talking about Xiu’er in this sentence. The speaker had no intention, but the listener had intention.

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