Even After Death

Chapter: 1511

Li Tingchen noticed Su Qingyu’s mood change and thought she was dissatisfied with her words.

His fingers went up along Su Qingyu’s waist and patted her gently on the back, “Susu, don’t be angry, I won’t leave, I’ll bear it.””

Su Qingyu did not answer, lying quietly on his chest, listening to his calm and powerful heartbeat.

Waiting for it to end quickly over there, she can leave here too.

Finally, I heard a low roar from the man, and the woman screamed again and again. It should be over.

It’s time for her and Li Tingchen to end.

Su Qingyu was ready to get up from Li Tingchen at any time, she poked the corn leaf and looked out to check the situation.

Unexpectedly, A Niu pushed Xiu’er out and changed her posture. Xiu’er’s clothes were rolled up to her armpits by him, and there were no strands of hair underneath.

Most of the people in the stockade have dark skin. Xiu’er is an exception. She is born with a physique that is not darkened by the sun.

The body curve that has never been produced is perfect.

A Niu’s body is dark, because he works in the fields all year round, and his abdominal muscles are vaguely visible around his waist.

In the evening when it will be black, black and white collide passionately.

At a vigorous age, how many people can endure loneliness?

Su Qingyu silently retracted his gaze, and a new round began. It was about dark. In the open ground, the two felt unprecedented freedom, as if the whole world belonged to them.

Youth originally had no hesitation, even if he knew that the south Wall was in front of him, he would not look back if he hit his head and bled.

She has also been young, and there are times when she runs forward in spite of everything.

Even if the path she took was originally wrong, she enjoyed it at that time, how could she think about it in the future?

“Brother Aniu, you are still amazing. You can do it again so soon. It’s not like your brother is in bed with a soft-footed shrimp. It’s boring.”

“Xiuer, come with me.”

“Go, our ancestors have lived here for generations, where can we go?”

“The sky is big and the earth is everywhere. We can make money if we have hands and feet. When the time comes, we will settle down in the city. You will give me two babies. We will be together honestly and openly. I don’t have to sneak around like this anymore. I heard that they have a piece of paper in the big city. Write the names of the two of them and they will never be separated for the rest of their lives.”

Xiu’er’s eyes showed longing, she also wanted to have a home with the man she loved, have her own baby, and not be separated for the rest of her life.

The two of them became more emotional, “Brother Aniu, hurry up, I’m going to die.”

Looking forward to the future, there is a voice of lust mixed with it.

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