Even After Death

Chapter: 1548

Chen Ling turned over the post on the Dark Web a month ago.

The head of the golden shark above is very conspicuous, and the person who posted it is the same as Li Tingchen’s previous method of dealing with the enemy.

no.100 is the number of the golden shark.

“Find out who did it?”

“Zero seven.”

“It’s her.”

Li Tingchen rubbed his eyebrows. He had also heard of the name. Lingqi was the best member of Alcatraz Island in recent years.

Li Tingchen originally wanted to receive her under his command, and he should be able to become an excellent female agent by training her well.

He has a lot of capable people in his hands, but there are too few capable female agents.

After all, excellent female agents are in demand in the entire industry. Women can do what men can do, but men who can do it may not be able to do it.

It’s a pity that Zero Seven finally chose Black x, which is considered a missed opportunity.

The golden shark offends a lot of people. It is normal for someone to buy his life. Black x has his own rules of conduct. How could he use his methods, and even the number is based on his previous decision.

“Did you find out who Zero Qi is?”

“I only know that it is a woman. At present, she has been promoted to s-level. I am afraid that only insiders will know her true identity.”

Li Tingchen glanced at the time of posting, which was half a day after he was poisoned.

How do you think this zero Qi is not that simple, is it for yourself?

“Let people stare.”


“Where’s the Huo family?”

“That kid Huo Yao thought you were dead at first, so it was a happy one. In this month, he has done a lot of things to win over our people.”

Li Tingchen lit a cigarette with a cold expression, “Very good, let’s see who has mutinied, just in time to clean up together, it’s useless for unfaithful people to stay.””


As soon as Li Tingchen came back, the wind direction in City A changed again.

He stood on the high skyscraper with his hands in his hands, looking at the heavy traffic below with cold eyes, and the heavy snow fell unknowingly.

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