Even After Death

Chapter: 1559

Humans are all visual animals, and their appearance will always occupy a major part of the mate selection criteria.

It’s only a matter of time before you fall in love with a beautiful person.

Zhan Yi was taken aback.

Behind Su Qingyu was the cathedral with snowflakes flying. Her whole body was as shallow as a pear flower. The moment she smiled at him, Zhanyi’s heart jumped inexplicably.

Realizing that this is not a good phenomenon, Zhan Yi moved his gaze to the box: “What is this?”

“Open it and have a look.”

It was a wooden box, and he couldn’t see how valuable it was. When he opened the box, his eyes immediately changed.

There was a white edelweiss lying quietly in the box.

This is a kind of flower that only exists in legends. Because it lives at a very high altitude, humans can’t climb that high at all. It is little known, so it is also extremely precious.

There has been a photographer who took a picture that swept the whole Internet. How many people can witness this kind of flower pouring in, but it’s a pity that it’s not desirable.

Zhan Yi communicated with Su Qingyu as a painter for two years and mentioned this kind of flower.

“Is it Edelweiss?How did you get it.”

Su Qingyu waved his hand, “I accidentally encountered it when I was traveling around some time ago. I took it home easily when I thought of what you said. I think it must be very beautiful for you to draw.””

“How could this kind of flower be encountered by accident, you……”

Su Qingyu just raised his hand and stroked the hair that fell from his ears, revealing the scars on his palm.

This was left in the wild a few days ago to find Li Tingchen. Although the wound healed, it was scabbed on it, which was extremely transparent on the fair skin.

“What’s wrong with your hand?”

Su Qingyu hid behind his back as if embarrassed, “It’s nothing, have you ordered a meal?”I’m a little hungry before breakfast, so I’ll eat first.”

Zhan Yi grabbed her sleeve and found that the palms of her hands were scarred with scabs.

“How did you get it?”

Su Qingyu hurriedly pulled his hand back, “When I was passing by Luming Mountain, I heard that someone had seen edelweiss, so I climbed up. Guess what, I picked this flower before the oxygen ran out. Fortunately, there were other people at the time. It took a lot of effort to send me down the mountain to get my life back. Although I have always been unlucky before, my luck is so good this time.”

Su Qingyu understated and made up a lie. She knew the background of Zhanyi.

Because he is the illegitimate son of the Zhan family, he has been cold-eyed since he was a child. When he was in school, he was ostensibly a schoolmaster who was in the moon, and he got a guaranteed place to go abroad early.

In fact, his psychology has long been distorted. He is used to the ugliness of the world, so how can he trust others easily?

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