Even After Death

Chapter: 1573

Su Qingyu was invited to the tea room, and Bai Hao handed her the information that had been prepared a long time ago.

“The doctor asked for a look. These are the medical examination reports of my sister over the years.”

A thick stack of inspection reports, Su Qingyu looked carefully.

“She had surgery?”

“Yes, but the effect was not good, and I still couldn’t stand up. Speaking of which, my sister is also a poor person. She broke her leg in a car accident at a young age, her parents died, and she was divorced again. How can she live in the future?So you must save her. As long as you can heal my sister, I can give you as much money as you want.”

If it weren’t for seeing the condom in Bai Yuanyuan’s room, Su Qingyu would really be deceived by the man in front of him.

What a nice person he looks.

The maids who serve Bai Yuanyuan are all maids. With the love of Old Man Bai for her, which subordinate would dare to do such a thing?

Moreover, at the beginning, the housekeeper came to meet him, and Bai Hao came later. It can be seen that he was busy doing things at the time.

Su Qingyu has seen many such hypocrites a long time ago.

Focusing on the latest issue of her examination report, Su Qingyu gave the result: “It can be cured.”


“Well, judging from her bone recovery, she can stand up again. In addition to surgery, she also needs to cooperate with acupuncture and moxibustion. She can stand up in up to three months.”

“That’s great, I just said that a top doctor like you can definitely cure her.”The man’s face is very happy.

“Of course, I’m just judging from the results of the examination. I have to look at her physical condition for details.”

“Okay, you use tea first, and it’s not too late for you to check on your sister when she calms down.”

“Don’t worry, I have plenty of time to wait slowly.”Su Qingyu sipped tea slowly.

Cured of the malignant tumor of her body, she is like a rebirth, and now she has a lifetime to spend slowly with her enemies.

After a while, the housekeeper came over to report: “The lady is ready, please go over and show her a look.”

Su Qingyu saw Bai Yuanyuan again, and beside her was Old Man Bai.

A few years later, Old Man Bai has also grown a lot older.

Bai Yuanyuan was holding his mobile phone to make a video call, and a familiar voice came from the other end of the video: “Bai Yuanyuan, I said I won’t see you again. If you take the old man’s mobile phone again, I will even pull him together……”

Why did the voice stop abruptly?Li Tingchen saw Su Qingyu walking in from the door after Yi Rong, which was what he looked like in the stockade.

She turned out to be at Bai’s house!

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