Even After Death

Chapter: 1575

She is afraid.

Realizing this, Su Qingyu felt ridiculous. Bai Yuanyuan had been arrogant for a lifetime, and it was rare to be afraid of others.

The relationship between the two is even more intriguing.

Su Qingyu pulled open her pajamas and couldn’t walk all the time, her legs shrank a lot.

She caused her parents to die, but what’s the big deal with her calf shrinking?

Su Qingyu kneaded her legs, from small legs to thighs, Bai Yuanyuan suddenly grabbed her hand, “Okay, what do you see?””

“Nothing.”Su Qingyu withdrew his hand lightly, “I can cure this leg. Before the operation, I need to give you acupuncture every day to stimulate the nerves in your leg.””

“Good!I have money, I have a lot of money, I can give it to you if you cure my leg.”

Bai Yuanyuan looked a little out of spirits, “Grandpa, you guys go out, Ting Chen is coming soon, I can’t let him see me like this.””

Old Man Bai wanted to stop talking, but after all, he still didn’t say a word, letting everyone leave.

Li Tingchen is a knot in Bai Yuanyuan’s heart, and it will never disappear in this life.

Su Qingyu was invited out. After taking a few sips of coffee, she found that Bai Hao had disappeared for this reason. She quietly offered to go to the bathroom, but in fact quietly returned to Bai Yuanyuan’s yard.

It was quiet inside. There were few servants, but now there is no one by his side.

Looked in through the gap in the window.

Sure enough, as she thought, Bai Hao tore off the mask, with a hideous face, and slapped Bai Yuanyuan’s face fiercely.

“Bitch, you really are still thinking of him, am I not good enough to you?””

“Bai Hao, Ting Chen won’t let you go if you touch me again!”

“It’s so affectionate, won’t you let me go?It seems that you really want him to know how I played it?Does he know that you are ruined by me?”

As he said, he untied his belt and entered directly regardless of Bai Yuanyuan’s struggle.

“Bai Hao, you will not be able to die!”

“Bitch, you better know who is your man. You are so skittish, I will punish you severely.”

“Stop, Bai Hao, you can’t do this to me, I will tell the old man.”

“Hehe, then you can say it, I wish you would be so angry with him, so that the Bai family’s property is all mine!”Even you!Bitch, has Li Tingchen ever fucked you like this?”

Foul language came, Su Qingyu couldn’t wait to block her ears, Bai Yuanyuan covered her eyes with both hands, tears flowed silently.

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