Even After Death

Chapter: 1577

“How good can I be at my age?But you really don’t come to see me once?”

“Sorry, I’ve been a little busy these years.”

When the two greeted each other, Su Qingyu watched Bai Hao pick up Bai Yuanyuan on the ground and put her on the wheelchair. With a mockery at the corner of her mouth, she whispered a word in Bai Yuanyuan’s ear.

Although Su Qingyu couldn’t hear him, he could guess what he was talking about.

Li Tingchen was pestered by Old Man Bai for a long time, and his eyes were impatient to change the subject, “This is……”

The old man introduced: “This is Vanessa, a famous doctor who I specially invited to treat Yuanyuan’s leg.”

“It turned out to be Vanessa. I have heard so much about her for a long time. When I saw her today, she really deserved her reputation.”He stretched out his hand to Su Qingyu seriously.

The corner of Su Qingyu’s mouth twitched, and she was sorry for his acting skills if she didn’t award this person an award, so she had to reach out.

“Mr. Li’s name rang out like thunder.”

When the two hands were held together, Li Tingchen scratched the palm of her hand lightly.

But there was still a very serious look on her face, “Oh, what has Vanessa heard of me?””

Su Qingyu pulled back three times before pulling his hand out of his palm.

“I heard that Mr. Li is personable and is alone after divorcing his ex-wife. He is the hot diamond king in City A.”

Chen Feng behind him was speechless. Is it really okay for these two to flirt openly?

Li Tingchen seemed to be keen on this game. He said with interest: “Then Vanessa is young and promising, can she get married?”

Su Qingyu glanced at him, “The wise do not fall in love.”

Bai Yuanyuan was stunned, didn’t Li Tingchen come to see her?Why would you care about whether a strange woman is married or not.

But Li Tingchen snubbed her for too long, and finally came over. She didn’t dare to do anything that made Li Tingchen hate anymore, so she had to speak cautiously: “Tingchen……”

Only then did Li Tingchen remembered that he came here in the name of looking at Bai Yuanyuan, and then he turned his gaze to Bai Yuanyuan.

In the past few years, Bai Yuanyuan looked a lot thinner, her face looked a little pale and sick, and she looked at herself pitifully in a wheelchair.

If he had been in the past, he would still have compassion for her for the sake of Qilin. Thinking of Su Qingyu’s past sufferings, he didn’t have the slightest pity, and only asked coldly: “It’s been a long time since I saw you. How are you doing?””

How?Her life can be said to be bleak, living like a year.

But she could only say word by word with tears in her eyes: “I, I’m okay.”

“Mr. Li can rest assured that my sister will be taken care of by me, and nothing will happen.”Bai Hao’s words caught Li Tingchen’s attention.

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