Even After Death

Chapter: 1589

Before dawn, Li Tingchen’s mobile phone kept vibrating. He wanted to press it to continue sleeping, but found that the other party was Yuan Chenggong.

If it is not necessary, Yuan Chenggong will not contact him.

“Uncle Yuan, what happened?”Li Tingchen glanced at the person in her arms, deliberately lowering her voice not to disturb her.

“That one is injured.”

Li Tingchen’s drowsiness disappeared instantly, “When did it happen?”Why didn’t I get the news?”

“Half an hour ago, the news is now pressed on it.”

“I’ll come here quickly.”

Li Tingchen hung up the phone, looked at Su Qiuyu, who had just woken up in her arms, and dropped a kiss on her lips, “Su Su, I’m sorry, I have something to deal with.”

Su Qiuyu knew that his identity would be fine at any time, so he turned over with a sigh and continued to sleep.

Seeing her heartless look, Li Tingchen couldn’t laugh or cry.

If he had to leave before dawn, Su Qingyu would definitely not be able to sleep, and would immediately get up to see him off, his face full of worry.

Li Tingchen hurriedly left, and Su Qingyu was about to re-enter his dream when his cell phone rang.

It was a strange phone number, and she connected and said, “Hello.”

“It’s me.”Qi Xiao’s voice came.

Su Qingyu woke up immediately, his voice was wrong.

“Brother, what’s wrong with you?”

“I’m hurt.”

“Where is it?I’ll be right over.”

Su Qingyu had already regarded Qi Xiao as his own brother, and as soon as he heard that he was injured, he rushed over as soon as possible.

At the beginning, Qi Xiao defected from Black x, and Black x has never given up chasing him. Could it be that this time he was forced to a desperate situation by Black x’s people?

But I did not receive this news.

When she arrived at her villa, the living room was like a murder scene, with blood everywhere in Su Qingyu.

It doesn’t seem to be a minor injury this time.

Qi Xiao sat on the carpet with his back against the sofa, relying on his willpower to hold on and wait for Su Qingyu to come back.

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