Even After Death

Chapter: 1611

Her brother is different from her. He was thrown into the army at a very young age. When she was still struggling with what luxury goods to buy today, her brother had already made countless first-class achievements.

He did not touch the light of the Fu family, step by step to where he is today.

He has suffered and survived hunger, and has gone from the abyss to the light.

Michelle is just a big lady, and she doesn’t understand the current situation at all.

“Brother, it hurts……”

Mi Wan hurriedly came over and pulled a pair of children away, “Okay, Changqing, your sister is also worried about the old man, it’s useless for you to be angry with her.”

Fu Changqing coldly dropped a sentence: “You are used to her. She is also a person in her twenties. She is a world-famous genius doctor, and what is she?Just a waste.”

Even if her current position is only available to Li Tingchen and the Fu family.

How could this young lady suffer as much as others?

As long as she hooked her fingers, she could easily get the honor and status that others had to give up their lives to get.

Michelle’s tears rolled down, and she looked at Li Tingchen, trying to get some comfort from him.

Because of what Li Tingchen couldn’t say to her, Fu Changqing was simply his mouthpiece. He was too late to be happy, so how could he be comforted.

He turned his face away and pretended not to see Michelle’s eyes.

If Huo Yao had said a few words of comfort before, but today this incident was caused by him, he wanted to shrink his sense of existence, so he didn’t speak.

I don’t know how long I waited, the door of the operating room finally opened, and everyone greeted me in an instant.

The first to come out was Yuan Chenggong, who couldn’t hide his excitement while wearing a mask.

“It’s done!”Tears of excitement flashed in his eyes, “Genius, it’s a genius, I’ve never seen such a powerful little girl, she just pulled your excellency back from the line of death, she is simply a wizard in the medical profession!””

“Uncle Yuan, how is my father?”

“The bullet has been taken out, but he has not been out of danger for the time being. He needs to be observed for a few days, but you can rest assured for the time being. The operation was very successful.”

Yuan Chenggong couldn’t help but praise, and a touch of pride flashed in Li Tingchen’s eyes. His Susu was really amazing.

“The situation at that time was very crisis. If it weren’t for this girl, your excellency would be really difficult this time……”

The doctors pushed people out, and everyone’s attention was on Fu Nanzhi, only Li Tingchen strode towards the operating room.

Niu Guyou supported Su Qingyu.

After a few hours of concentration, Su Qingyu’s energy was exhausted.

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