Even After Death

Chapter: 1634

Su Qingyu lay on his undulating chest, “I found out something. Zhan Yi had contact with the murderer who killed me.”

“Do you want to get the truth from him?”

“Yes, Zhanyi is the only person who has been in close contact with him. He is very likely to know the identity of the other party. That person is hidden too deep. If it is not exposed, it will be difficult for us to know. I have been following Zhanyi’s clue for more than two years.”

Li Tingchen sighed, “Although I know that nothing can happen between you and him, when I think of him getting close to you and you will laugh at him, I feel very uncomfortable and can’t wait to tear him apart.””

“Don’t worry, it’s too late for me to hate him. How could I have feelings for him that I shouldn’t have? He is very suspicious, and I have no other way.”

Li Tingchen stroked her face, “You have to be careful.”


“By the way, your excellency will not let you go.”

Su Qingyu blinked, “What’s the matter with not letting me go?”It’s not me who hit his baby daughter.”

“Where do you want to go?If an all-around talent like you is not handed over to the country, do you think they will let you go?Fu Changqing will visit in person tomorrow at the latest, Susu, what do you think?”

Su Qingyu sighed, “What else can I think?I have no grievances with him, and it depends on my mood whether I save or not. Then do you want me to go?”

Li Tingchen replied directly: “I don’t want to.”


“It’s not a good thing to get into this kind of muddy water, especially if your excellency is full of danger, Susu, I don’t want you to get involved again.”

Su Qingyu played with Li Tingchen’s fingers, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, “But if you do things for him, you will also get some benefits and privileges, right?””

“What do you want?”

Su Qingyu chuckled: “Who knows, anyway, it’s always good to have one more death-free gold medal. Besides, if I’m by his side, I’ll be so disgusting to Michelle every day, right?””

“Are you for Michelle?”

Su Qingyu touched his face, “Although the slap was returned a long time ago, no one understood the mood of me staying alone outside the ward waiting for you that night.”

“Didn’t you really want to leave in the first place?”

“The bait has been put down, me, it’s for catching big fish.”

“You had expected Fu Changqing to come looking for you a long time ago?”

“I may not be a pharmacologist who knows pharmacology, and I may not be a professional dietitian who is proficient in medicinal diet. How can a fattened fish be willing to leave me?It’s just that this time, I have to sit on the ground and start the price.”

A flash of light flashed in Su Qingyu’s eyes, and everything was in her calculations.

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